do you really stand for life - choose life

Although the call for gun-regulations have reached a fever pitch in the last few days, for two reasons I do not support gun control here in America…

Reason #1…

It is a constitutional right, initiated first of all because America’s founders had enough sense to realize the measure was necessary for personal protection.

More importantly, they also knew this right would safeguard against future tyranny – that is, any American regime in the future that would treat its citizens as bond-servants or property of the government rather than a free citizenry.

America’s founding fathers had just left an abusive crown where they were mere subjects with no rights of their own, excepting what their all-powerful king granted.

Not only were they certain they didn’t ever want to be under such despotism in their lives again, these champions of freedom also wanted to be sure their kids, grandkids, and so on were protected from it as well. Freedom to bear arms provided (and still provides) that assurance.

And while we’re on the subject, I’m sure quite a few of those early Americans kissed their guns in celebration when the British surrendered and went back home with their tail between their legs.

Reason #2…

I support gun rights because of the abject hypocrisy shown by most of those crying out for more gun-control.

In one breath, they declare concerning these shootings “this is an outrage, it is a senseless destruction of life, and an evil that must be stopped” (to which I obviously agree) – – – – – and – – – – – in their next breath they talk about how abortion is ok and it’s a good cause to get behind here in America.

If you are angered by these mass shootings (and I’m glad if you are) but have no problem with abortion, you’ve got a moral dilemma on your hands.

In one instance (the mass shootings), you’ve rightfully declared that the lives of the innocent are important…

And in the other (concerning abortion), you have decided they are not.

So which is it? Are innocent lives important or are they not?

Before you start on about “the woman’s right to choose,” I want to share something with you and I challenge you to think on this for a little while – letting it mull around in your mind for a day or so…

There’s something any judge (or parent for that matter) knows concerning rights… I like to call it a “hierarchy of rights.” Basically it goes like this… Any time the rights of two individuals are on a collision course – meaning both have rightful permission to do what they are doing, but…

What one is doing is causing harm or damage to the other, the judge has to decide which party is negatively affected the most by this “collision” of rights.

In an impartial justice system, the decision always favors the party who stands to lose the most when these rights are equally expressed.

I would say common sense says who suffers more when it comes to abortion, but unfortunately common sense isn’t so common anymore so I’m gonna spell it out… Nobody (and I mean nobody) stands to lose more in an abortion than the innocent baby who is murdered because of inconveniencing it’s mother.

[***Aside from a mother possibly dying in delivery, to which it is her decision on whether to have the baby or not. Ironically, many women in this predicament decide to move forward with the delivery and see how things go from there…]

Other than that exclusion, you cannot come up with a scenario where the mother actually could lose more than her child. In every way that a child could possibly affect his/her mother by being born, she can recover from it as life goes on. But once that child is dead, that is something they can never recover from. A life has been destroyed. A senseless, violent act has been committed. That kid is never coming back.

Thus, the baby gets the final vote…

Life wins. Murder loses. It’s as it should always be.

I’ll just go ahead and say it… Like mass shootings, abortion is also an evil that must be stopped here in our country! I’d love to see those who are passionately lining up to decry these mass shootings join the pro-life movement against abortion because… Life is life. They are both equal.

It is just as evil to to destroy the innocent lives of those babies in their mother’s womb as it is to destroy the lives of those innocent civilians at a Wal-Mart in El Paso or a gathering in Dayton.

Seriously… I’m not throwing stones here. I’m not judging you as an individual. I’m merely stating facts. Think about it. There is zero difference in the two.

If you still think there is, you are simply in denial and making up excuses to justify your previously-held beliefs. But, if you’re willing to do that, I need you to do me one more favor. Just go ahead and say “I’m a hypocrite.” and move on. Admit it… You really aren’t concerned about innocent lives in totality.

You’re only concerned with the innocent lives that you deem worthy of being concerned about. Not trying to scare you or anything, but that’s actually a lot closer to Hitler’s doctrine of choosing who lives and dies than you’d like to admit.

To finish my thoughts, I want you to consider two numbers for me…

As of August 5, 2019 – there have been 285 deaths caused by mass shootings in the United States. That’s incomprehensible, terrible, and a blight on our society.

Really, it’s sickening.

Yet, in the United States, that many innocent kids are destroyed by abortion in just over 2.5 hours. To be exact, it only takes two hours and thirty-nine minutes to get to that number.

That is equally sickening. Maybe even more so given how quickly we reach the SAME number…

What took mass shootings 217 days to destroy in human life only takes 159 minutes with abortions here in the U.S.

So, how is it with you? Do you REALLY stand for innocent lives?

Borrowing from Dr. Martin Luther King, I have a dream where the same group of people rightfully decrying the pain, suffering, and senseless murdering of those destroyed by mass shootings in America would also come over to the side of the Pro-Life movement, rightfully (and equally) decrying the pain, suffering, and senseless murdering of innocent babies.

Are you brave enough to make the switch? Or are you going to continue to only be concerned about the innocent lives you deem “worthy” of being concerned about?

I vote with the kids.

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19)

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