
I made contact with a childhood friend recently, and it sent me down memory lane.  It took me back many, many, many years ago in a land far, far away…well, it seemed that way anyway!  When I first met her, I was about nine years old.  We had just moved into the neighborhood, and I was excited to learn there were several children my age that lived near my new home.

Our house became one of the neighborhood hangouts.  My dad mowed the grass in the shape of a football field in the backyard.  The boundaries were cut just a little shorter.  He sometimes played quarterback for both teams.  I had two brothers, and I didn’t want to be left out.  I enjoyed playing ball and was pretty good at it, but my friend was a much better athlete than I.  She could outrun and outplay many of the boys.  I wonder if her children would be surprised. I know mine couldn’t picture me throwing a football, much less playing tackle.

My friend was very strong.  I remember a particular instance when one of our friends was teasing me, and she set them straight.  I also remember one time in high school when she set me straight as well.  The thing is, she was right both times.  She spoke with tact and kindness, which brought conviction.  My friend was not afraid to stand up for what was right, and I always admired her for that.

She entered my life forty-eight years ago.  Wow!  That doesn’t seem possible.  We graduated high school, and our paths went different directions.  I have seen her briefly on occasion since then, but now she is on my mind constantly.   As you can imagine, she and I are different than when we were young, but we still have a lot in common.

We both have a family and beautiful children.  The funny thing is we are older now than our mothers were at the time we graduated high school.  When I saw her picture, I thought of her mother.  She was quite a lady!  Both of our parents were very involved in our school activities.  They accompanied us on band trips and went to the ball games to see us perform.  We had our parents’ support when we were young, and we have it now.  We both had the blessing of growing up in Christian homes.  Her father went to be with the Lord a few years back.

We both have the grand privilege of being grandmothers!  Oh, what a delight!  It makes our hearts soar to see the smiles of our precious angels.  They can make us smile when we don’t feel like smiling and make us cry when they are hurting.  Grandchildren are such a blessing, but we worry about them, too.

We both have had some hills and valleys in our lives.  Some of our experiences are the same, and others are different.  When two people have gone through the same difficulty, they are able to understand the problem, and their hearts ache for each other.  It also helps to know how to pray.

The greatest thing which brings us together is our faith.  It is why we are able to communicate together in any depth now.  We are sisters in Christ!  I reestablished contact with my friend because I heard she had cancer.

I had hoped to encourage her.  I have never had cancer, but I have had loved ones and friends who have been through the horrible ordeal.  I wanted to let her know I was praying for her.  The table turned around completely.  She ended up encouraging me.  Her first contact with me let me know her faith was strong.  She assured me, “God is in control.”  Shortly thereafter she told me of her Christian doctor who has a faith based practice.  Then, after all she has been through, she writes, “God is good all the time.”

Wow!  She later shared some other difficulties that have come her way, and I am so amazed!  My friend has not blamed God or anyone else for any of her trials.  It would be natural to wonder why or to be afraid.  There would be nothing wrong with that. It is also alright when we don’t understand the things that are happening in our lives.  We just have to keep the right attitude in our hearts.

I have known someone to get mad at God because her air conditioner was not working.  I know someone who was upset because God “made” him fat.  I have even heard someone say; “I did all of this for God.  What has He ever done for me?”  Wow! Why does this happen?  I think because we are spoiled, or perhaps for some of us, our faith is weak and our love for God is shallow.

As parents, our children often have to trust us.  If we tell them no, they need to obey.  When we spank them, they have to believe we love them.  But many times, things happen in our children’s lives which we would love to stop-especially when they are grown.  It is so hard when we feel they are making a decision that is not good for them. Our hearts cry out!  “Don’t do this!”  Can you imagine how God feels?  The Holy Spirit pleads for us to get back on the right path.

There are other things that occur in our lives just because we live in a sin cursed world.  Many diseases are a result of the laws of nature taking its course.  In America, many things may happen because we have not taken care of the world God gave us.  Sometimes, we just don’t know why things happen to us.  We must trust that it is for the ultimate good of the kingdom.  We have to take the opportunity to learn from the struggle. When a Christian can say, “God is good all the time,” I admire her faith.

God is good all of the time.  He is good when the cupboard is full and when it is empty.  He is good when we are healthy and when we are sick.  He is good when we know what to do and when we are searching.  We must never doubt God.  He is good all the time!

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

Please pray for my friend!  Thank you!

 Mrs. Worthington has five children and ten grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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