
Have you noticed people seem different at Christmas? Many seem to be sweeter and more giving than any other time of year.  Statistics show that during the Christmas season more people volunteer, and the month of December brings more donations than any other season.  I realize many people give for a tax deduction, but for others I think the need just seems more obvious.  The thought of someone going without at Christmas just touches our hearts.

I know in my life, I see the needs more.  I don’t know why, but I just do.  As I often do, I try to figure out why this is so.  It should not be.  People need food and clothes all year round.  Charities need support with their causes.  The nursing home is there twelve months of the year.  Ministries always need our support.  How well I know!

I think one of the few businesses that thrive after Christmas is the fitness industry.  We all know why that is-just a few too many helpings of stuffing and candy.  Many others are in a lull.  Activity picks back up around March or April, but not with the vitality it did at Christmas.

Of course there are exceptions!  Many grouches show themselves at Christmas, but they are usually grumpy at other times of the year, too.  It is just a bit more obvious.  They were annoyed that they had to buy gifts.  I don’t know why they bothered.  They don’t like the music or the decorations.  They are rude to the cashiers, and you don’t want to be in front of them on the road.  Nothing suits them.  But come to think of it, nothing suits them the other eleven months of the year either. Why are they so annoyed at Christmas?

Perhaps it annoys them to see other people so pleasant.  Do you think it is because they feel guilty? It is more obvious that they are cold and heartless at this time of year.  They don’t want to be bothered that people are hungry or need clothes. Maybe they feel guilty because they left a loved one in the nursing home and no one to care about them at Christmas or any other time of the year.  It could be they suffered great loss around the holidays.  Maybe they are resentful that we are celebrating the birth of the Christ child, our Savior.  Whatever the reason, it is a heart problem for sure.

There are also the jewels on the earth, God’s arms and hands that are kind and loving all year round.  These people don’t have to have a holiday to be pleasant and warm.  They are the ones that have a kind word to say to the cashier when there are others fussing in the line.  Their gentleness shines through at Christmas, but their hearts are soft and tender throughout the year.  They are the kind of people that feed the hungry at the soup kitchen in May and visit the nursing home in February.  They give 12 months of the year, not just one month of the year. Their question is not do we give, but in what way and to whom.

It is the beginning of a new year.  The Christmas season is a joyous season.  It is filled with laughter and love for all that will receive it.  Why does it have to stop?  There are people that prove to us every day that is doesn’t.  They are shining lights for all to see.  I sure would like for people to think of me that way.  How do you want people to think of you?

Proverbs 22:1 says“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.”What is in a good name?  I guess it depends on what is important to you.  Some men would say being successful in business is most important. Others might think that to have plenty of money is their claim to fame.  What do I want?  How do I want to be remembered?  I want people to say that I was a kind, gentle spirit who loved all people, and always put others before myself.  Christ’s love always shined through my life.  Yes, sad to say, I am still working on that one.  More appropriately, God is still working on me.  I have not arrived.  I doubt I will arrive on this side of glory, but I must not give up.

2 Peter 3:18 says,“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever.” 

The Bible teaches that we are to continually grow in grace and knowledge.  We must seek to be mature in the faith.  II Peter 1:5-7teaches us how we are to grow.  We must grow in these areas in our Christian walk.  We are to have faith and to our faith, add virtue; and to our virtue, add knowledge; and to our knowledge, add self-control; and to our self-control, add patience, and to our patience, add godliness; and to our godliness, add kindness; and to kindness, add love.

If we continuously seek to grow in all aspects of our walk with the Lord, we cannot help but be remembered and revered as kind gentle souls who loved the Lord with all of our hearts.  Make this your commitment for the future.  Not just a New Year’s resolution, but a new commitment.  Let others see the reason they should come to Jesus through your life.  May we be His shining light.  Let others see Jesus in us.

Happy New Year!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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