Well, Daddy!  Here we go again.  I am sitting here watching you sleep in the hospital, different time-different place. Six years ago, I thought I had lost you, but God worked a miracle in your life.  You fought hard, and He … Continue reading

“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” II Timothy 2:3  The role of a dad has sure changed from when I was a kid. Dads aren’t relegated to the role of breadwinners and disciplinarians anymore. Still, some … Continue reading

What makes a woman a mother? According to Webster, the word mother is defined as a female parent as well as to give birth to or to care for or protect like a mother.  This definition sounds so simple, but … Continue reading

“Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.”  Isaiah 43:7  “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: … Continue reading

Is there a term for the person who constantly searches through the guide on the television set looking through hundreds of channels?  I tried to find one, but all I found was the terms “channel surfing”or “channel flipping.”  Well, that … Continue reading

As the Easter season approaches, we will hear many lessons on what has been called the triumphal entry of our Lord.  However, I would like to focus for a moment on one question. Why did Jesus leave the temple and … Continue reading

I hate, no, I strongly dislike watching the news. It seems that almost everything I hear is sad, depressing, or evil.  I know I cannot be an ostrich and bury my head in the sand, but sometimes I think it … Continue reading

As recently as 40 years ago, spending time remembering the past was considered by many health professionals to be some sort of illness.  Today, it has been determined that nostalgic feelings can actually have therapeutic value. Being able to engage in … Continue reading

What is your reaction when someone says, “I love you”?  Many times we feel all warm inside.  We have many different emotions, but love is probably the most diverse.   We love in so many different ways, and true love can … Continue reading

So it’s official. We are evolving backwards. First there were cave paintings from which written language and art evolved and now we are back to images with “Emoji”. Do you remember the very first emoticon that started making the rounds? … Continue reading