
Whew! 2020 is finally over.  As I looked back over the year, I had a sense of relief.  I am not sure why.  We do not know what 2021 holds.  I only hope it will be better.  My thoughts of 2020 go to COVID-19 and the havoc it has caused in our homes, our churches, our businesses, and our country.  I think of the rioting in the streets and the controversy over the election.  It bothers me that many of our leaders do not hold the truth as paramount.  It depresses me that evil is triumphant in many cases, at least temporarily.

However, I began to ponder over things as I often do.  When I get still and really start thinking inwardly, I see things more clearly.  The Holy Spirit began to speak to me.

I realized I have a choice. I can concentrate on the bad, or I can look for the good.  I am blessed beyond measure.  I have a husband who cherishes me.  I have a family that loves and cares for me.  There is nothing they would not do for me.  I work in a place that honors God, the staff members love each other, and we work well as a team.  The things going on around us cannot keep us from loving each other.

Our school was able to bless some people.  We have an annual mission trip to Sutton’s Nursing Home.  We usually go to the nursing home and sing songs and visit with each resident.  We could not go in person this year due to COVID, so we came up with a plan.  We could not let them down.  About half of the residents do not have a family that takes care of them.  We have the privilege of giving gifts to the individuals there.  Our families at the academy adopted these individuals and supplied them with the items on their wish lists.  We also gave gifts to the other residents as well.  We sent them a video of the children singing and wishing them a Merry Christmas.  We still brought joy.  The world’s circumstances did not stop us from spreading joy.

We have a family in our school that is struggling.  Our school reached out and touched their lives.  Three churches in our community got involved and sent gift cards, food, and cash.  A local business sent a care package for the family.  We all pulled together and gave this family a Christmas they will never forget.  COVID did not stop us from giving to the less fortunate.

When we look around this world, we must realize something.  We have a choice.  We can continue to love, to spread joy, and to give to others, or we can fret and let depression stop us from showing Christ to the world.  We must make our circle better, and in so doing, we must widen our circle a little bit at a time. We can reach the world one person at a time.

As a Christian, we have an awesome responsibility.  The world really doesn’t know what a Christian is.  Many people tend to think that a Christian is someone who believes there is a God and goes to church once in a while.  I do believe when the lost world sees people who claim to be Christians, they think, “I am just as good as he is.  What makes him special?”

My husband and I were shopping for the nursing home residents this weekend, and something happened that broke my heart.  This woman had her two sons with her.  The whole time she was in the store she was yelling at her oldest son to“be quiet”, “wait a minute”, and “shut up.” This went on for a good hour.  He was probably about three years old.  I never heard him say a word.  He may have been talking nonstop, but I did not hear him.  I know kids can do that, but I felt so sorry for him.  I wanted so badly to tell the woman to be quiet and leave him alone.  My heart just broke for him.  When she went to the check-out lane, I saw her.  She turned my direction and tears welled up inside me.  She wore a shirt that had her church name on it, and it also said, “Jesus is the Answer.” I knew Jesus’ heart was breaking.  I could feel His tears as He wept over the testimony of this woman.  Why should anyone in that store believe that Christianity makes a person different?  How many people did she convince that day that Jesus was not the answer?

We must take our responsibility seriously.  We must understand that people are looking to us to see Christ.  In order to make our circle bigger, we must start at home.  Our children must see Jesus in us.  Then we can widen our circle to our friends and our workplace.  If we don’t show Jesus to those closest to us, how are we going to show Jesus to the world?

There is a lost and dying world out there that sees no hope.  Can you imagine how hopeless we would be without Christ?  Let’s make sharing Christ our New Year’s resolution.  Let’s make a difference by showing the world the true definition of Christianity.  Let others see Christ in us.  Maybe they will want to know our Jesus. We can make a difference!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and twelve grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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