
My husband and I love the Christmas movies.  We really enjoy most of the Hallmark movies.  They are clean, have a wholesome story line, and usually have a moral at the end of the story.  We end up recording them so we can watch them at a more convenient time.  We are still trying to watch the ones from last season.  We also enjoy most of the Christmas classics, but the one we snuggle up to and watch on Christmas Eve is the black and white version of A Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim.

As I watch this movie, my mind goes back in time to my Christmas past.  Do you remember the tinsel trees made of aluminum?  That is the first Christmas tree I remember.  We had the little color wheel that went around and made the tree different colors.  I remember seeing a picture of me and my new bicycle with training wheels in front of the tree.  Christmas was always special in my home.

As a young child I always looked forward to Christmas.  It wasn’t just for the presents; it was just a wonderful time of year.    The special music at our church was so exciting.  We usually had plays as well as Christmas parties.  I always loved the Christmas carols, and some secular ones, too.   As soon as I was able, I started buying little gifts for my family members.  Sometimes I made them, and sometimes it was a fifty cent item at the store.  I remember being so excited for my family to open the gifts I had given them.   Of course they were always very excited to get the pack of gum or the little heart I had made them. I guess I learned at an early age how much joy giving brings.  My parents were faithful to teach my brothers and me the meaning of Christmas.  They taught us Jesus’ birthday is the reason we celebrate and we show His love by giving to others.

My husband and I have so many Christmas memories.  We don’t need a ghost to help us remember.  Christmas has always been very special around this house, too.  Although gift giving isn’t the major focus, it is a nice aspect that we enjoy.  We always gave our children something for Christmas, but their gifts were meager compared to their friends.  Don’t get me wrong, they were excited to get them.  Christmas and birthday were the two times of year they received something special, so they were thrilled.  We were so excited to give our children a special gift we felt they would enjoy.

We always decorated our home with ornaments, some homemade and others that we have collected over the years.  Our home was built in the late 1800’s, so we have high ceilings.  The Christmas tree in our living room has always been around twelve feet tall.  We used a ladder to get the top and the children each took a section of the tree to decorate.  We had it divided into 5 sections using the garland as dividers.  We also had a smaller tree in the back of the house that had the homemade ornaments on it along with other memorable ones.  The tree was full of memories.  With every ornament that was put on the tree, I went back in time.  One thing both trees had in common was an abundance of lights!  They were always beautiful.  We could never have too many lights.

One of my favorite memories with our children is Christmas Eve.  We would go to my husband’s parents for Christmas Eve and come home to watch a Christmas movie with the children.  It wasn’t the same movie every year, but it was usually one of the classics.  Sometimes a new movie would come out, and we would watch it.  But the best part was not the movie; it was that we were all in the room, snuggled up in blankets, watching a movie together.  I would look around the room and feel so blessed.

Our traditions have grown as our family has grown.  We have more trees in our house, more decorations we have collected over the years, and more responsibilities as well.  Our newest addition is a “memory tree” to honor the family members and loved ones that have passed away.  It is a small live tree adorned with ornaments that represent something special about each person.  My grandfather loved to fish, so we have a fisherman with a huge fish on the line for him.  My husband’s grandfather took him to church, so we have a church building for him.  This tree has become very special to us as more and more of the people we love pass into eternity.

This Christmas is going to be very interesting.  We have eleven grandchildren now so finding a place to put each stocking is an adventure.  Children make Christmas even more exciting.  They love to come to Grandma and Granddad’s house to see the decorations and the Christmas trees.  They started asking in October when we were going to decorate.  I also make a lot of Christmas goodies that they enjoy, too!  If you think it is dull around here on Christmas, think again.  Of course, it is not quiet either!

As my husband and I are getting older, we realize that time is getting shorter.  We are so blessed to have our family close, to be able to share the wonder of our Savior’s birth together, and to spread the joy of the season.

When we look into the future, we become saddened at the state of our country and the people that are wandering around aimlessly.  I fear for the Christmases of the future.  I am concerned for what my grandchildren may have to face.  It is already unsafe to go to the shopping center or anywhere else for that matter.  The evil in our streets is proclaimed on the news.  Jesus has been kicked out of our schools, our government, and most of our homes.  Fortunately, we are still able to go to church and hear God’s Word, but when will that be censored?  Christmas and Easter are the two special holidays that give us purpose.  Without Jesus, these holidays are nothing more than a big party.  He is the One that gives us joy!

As most of you know, A Christmas Carol is a beautiful story of Mr. Scrooge who had a heart of stone that changed to one that was kind and true by three ghosts reliving his memories of Christmas past, his selfish deeds of Christmas present, and the way he would be remembered in the future.  Each ghost shows him how his life has changed over the years and how he affected others.  He went from being a kind-hearted young man happy with life to a cruel, greedy, selfish old taskmaster.  What ultimately changed him?  He came face to face with the future-his future!

This was just a story!  However, we must know that only one thing can change us from mean and cruel to kind and true!  The only spirit that brings about that kind of change is the Holy Spirit!  Get a hold of your future!  What is waiting for you on earth and in eternity?  Give Jesus your life now, and have the best Christmas ever!  Find out what true joy is!

Merry Christmas!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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