
I hate, no, I strongly dislike watching the news. It seems that almost everything I hear is sad, depressing, or evil.  I know I cannot be an ostrich and bury my head in the sand, but sometimes I think it would be better to live on a mountain somewhere away from it all.

In Matthew 28:19-20, the Lord tells us to go out and teach all people to observe all things that He commanded us.  He loves us all and reaches out to each and every human on this planet.  He died so that we might have life.

Jesus was familiar with all different types of people.  He was hurt by the masses and by His friends. He set the standard pretty high. What was His attitude toward the people? What were the faces of our Lord?  He dealt with people in many different ways.  Jesus had all wisdom and love, and He knew the hearts of the individuals.

In Mark 10: 14b, Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.”  We are instructed to bring the little ones to Jesus, and teach them of His love.  We are to show them the way.  Have you noticed what the verse doesn’t say?  He didn’t say just the good children could come. He loved them all!  So what is our job?  We are to win all the children to Jesus!

Well, we know we should love children, but what about the adults?  They are grown, and they know better.  How did Jesus feel about them?  In Mark 6:32-34, a tired Jesus had compassion on the multitudes. Verse 34 says, “And Jesus, when He came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and He began to teach them many things.”  Our Lord was tired and weary. In His humanity, I know He did not feel like teaching these people, but He did it anyway.  He even fed them all with five loaves and two fishes.  How often are we tired and weary and make the wrong choices?  Jesus did not hide from the problem; He faced it and shared His love with the multitudes.

We don’t have the perfect wisdom of God like Jesus did, but on some occasions He called out the hypocrites.  In Matthew 23:27, He calls the Pharisees whited sepulchers. What is a whited sepulchers?  It is beautiful on the outside and dead on the inside.  It is a fancy tomb!  They are all show and no substance.  We have some people like that in America.  They are the ones that are Christian in name only.  Many may go to church on Sunday and sing in the choir, but on Monday they live for themselves.  They are pretty on the outside and dead on the inside.

He didn’t always call out the hypocrites.  In Matthew 21, the people are worshipping Him as He makes His triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  The multitudes spread their garments in the way as He rode into town. They shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David.”  Where were these same people a week later when Jesus was crucified?  Jesus knew their hearts, but He just rode and said nothing.  I am sure some of the worshippers were faithful.  I guess that is why it is hard at the church.  Some people are faithful, and some are not. We don’t always know which is which, but He knows.

The one that confuses me most is Judas.  Jesus allowed him to be a disciple for three years. Our Lord knew Judas was going to betray Him, and He knew he was stealing from the treasury.  I know Scripture had to be fulfilled, but surely there was another way.     Did Judas start out to betray Jesus, or did he grow impatient? Did his heart grow weary of sleeping outdoors and hanging out with sinners?  Judas was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and Jesus let him stay.  Was His purpose to teach the disciples how to handle betrayal?  No one but Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him.  Why didn’t Jesus confront him?  Judas was the biggest hypocrite of all.

Then there were times that Jesus said, “Enough!” As we read further in Matthew 21, we find Jesus cast out the money changers.  Our Lord was angry with them.  They had made God’s house a den of thieves.  I can hear Him saying, “Enough,” in so many instances.

If we look in our churches, we may find Him saying, “Enough.”  Many of our churches are not preaching the Word.  They have ceased to share the whole counsel of God and have become social clubs.  I know it grieves our Lord.

In our homes our Lord is saying, “Enough.”  Our marriages are falling apart.  The husbands and wives care about themselves more than each other.  Neither one of them are nurturing the children.  If you look around their homes, the whole family is looking at their cellular devices or current gaming systems.  They are not eating together as a family; and when they do eat together, they are looking down at the most recent text message.  Church is not important in their lives, nor is reading God’s Word or prayer.

In America, Jesus cries tears as He says, “Enough!” The onslaught of sin in our country is rampant.  The sharing of dressing rooms and bathrooms in public places is an immoral injustice. We no longer call a married couple man and wife.  Immorality is at a new height.  The evil against children is rampant.  I have read of babies being raped and beaten.

The most atrocious of all is the murder of innocent babies. Life begins at conception, so all abortion is wrong.  We have taken it to a new level of shame. The recent ruling in New York is evil. Babies are being murdered full term and allowed to die.  If by some chance they make it through the birth process, they are laid on a table while life slips away.  Why? It is all because the mother changed her mind at the last minute.  Our God is crying out, “Enough!”

How could this have happened in America?  How did we let it get this far? It is our fault you know. We have stood by and let things creep in one step at a time.  If Christians had stood up in 1973 with Roe versus Wade, perhaps we wouldn’t be where we are today.  It is not just the abortion issue, but every issue that is against God’s Word. Christians must stand.  We must seek God and pray.

If we are going to save our homes, churches, and our country, we must stop being complacent and let our voices be heard. There is an attack on America, our churches, and our homes.  What are we going to do about it?  Do we really care? Then let’s get busy!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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