
As we usher in the New Year, different thoughts go through our minds.  Some people view January 1st as just another day, while others view it as a time of new beginnings.  Many of us set all kinds of resolutions, and some just want a chance for a fresh start.  Either way, we all have areas we need to work on in our lives, and the new year is a good time to start.  We have had or will have many new beginnings in our lifetime.

Our first beginning was at birth.  Most parents have high hopes for their children when they are born.  When we look into their eyes for the first time, our love rolls out of us onto them.  We just hold them and cannot imagine this new life came from us.  It was definitely God’s miracle, but He used us to bring this precious one into the world.  No parent thinks of the hurts they will face at that time because of this child.  I have heard many fathers have a panic attack because the reality sets in that raising this child is their responsibility, whereas moms are in “la la land” in awe of their newborn.  But neither parent realizes the joy or the sorrows they are about to face.

At birth the child is a composite of both parents’ genes.  Yes, the baby cries when he is hungry and wet and perhaps when he wants to be held.  But the bad habits he forms are largely due to parental influence at this early age.  As children grow up, they may be influenced by others, but our job is to mold our children into what God wants them to be.  Even when we fulfill our responsibility, our children can make some bad choices.  That is when the tears come.  As parents we don’t get a “do-over” for raising them, but our children have a chance to start over.  Hopefully, if they take a wrong path, with a lot of prayer they will turn around.

Perhaps a child will turn around when he gets on his own.  He has finished school, gotten a job, and has his own place.  The reality that he has to make it or he will have to go hungry has set in.  Most of all, he doesn’t want to have to ask to move back home.  His parents are great, but he wants to be independent.  He realizes how much his parents did for him at this time, and he is grateful.  Ok, Moms and Dads, this admission would be wonderful wouldn’t it.  Many times young people move out of their parents’ homes, but it isn’t what they had hoped.  Independence just isn’t that great.

Another new beginning may be when the stars get in their eyes.  I know I have seen it.  There is no listening to reason.  These fellows or ladies they are interested in walk on water and eat at the same time.  Wedding bells are in their ears, and there is no slowing down.  For many young ladies, they visualize the fairy tale-the beautiful white picket fence and a man that will adore them.  For the young men, they visualize being with this beautiful creature that worships the ground they walk on.  This is a slight exaggeration, but most people are thinking of what the other person is going to do for them when they marry, not the other way around.  Unfortunately, in many cases the first year of marriage is a nightmare.  Marriage is not what they had hoped it would be.  Hopefully, the couple becomes less selfish and realizes that neither one of them is perfect.  As time passes their love for each other begins to grow a little deeper.  By the time they are married ten years, many of the rough edges are gone, and they can work on getting even closer.   It is sad to say many people never experience the joys that married life can bring.  They never conquer themselves.

Oh, but wait, there is hope.  Another new beginning is about to occur. They are going to have a baby.  This new beginning will bring them closer.  Having a baby can be a very special event.  It can be the glue that brings a couple together, but if times are rough already, it is not going to make things better.  When someone is already selfish, adding a baby to the mix doesn’t help things.  Life changes when a baby enters your life.  It is supposed to anyway.  There is no more spontaneity. Everything has to be planned.  If you go anywhere you have to pack the kitchen sink, and you may even want to bring clothes for yourselves.  Spit-up can be very messy.  The first few months are rough because of sleepless nights, but the roughest part comes much later.  It comes when you watch your child experience pain and heartache.  The tears will come, and your heart will break.

Wow!  Where did time go!  The kids are all moved out, and it is time to look at retiring one day!  It is a new beginning for us for sure.  Ok, Parents, we can stop worrying now.  Our children are grown and living on their own now.  What a relief!  I hate to disappoint you!  It never stops.  As parents, I think we worry more about our children now than when they lived at home.  We have grandchildren in the mix now as well.  Many more heads to be concerned about.  Slowing down!  When does that happen?

I guess I have painted a pretty bleak picture.  When we center in on what happens next, our lives become one grueling day after another.  We are so busy digging the ditch to get up and dig the ditch the next day that we miss out on everything.  However, there is one new beginning that never disappoints.

I have never met anyone that is disappointed after accepting Christ as their Savior.  This new beginning is full of adventure.  In fact, it is the only thing that makes every new beginning worthwhile.  Jesus Christ changes your life, and He makes life worth living.  The secret is to follow Him and His precepts.  In Luke 9:23, the Scripture states “…If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”

The problem for most of us is we forget the “denying” and “taking” part of that verse.  When we become Christians we want to hold on to what we want.  We don’t want to be selfless.  We still wrestle with being selfish.  The only way to be happy is to deny our wants and desires and take up what Christ wants us to do.  I will let you in on a little secret.  When you truly are serving the Lord, you don’t feel you are denying yourself of anything.  It is a beautiful thing.  I haven’t got self-denial mastered by any means.  I go through stages.  But when I am following my Lord as I should, I do not feel denied of anything.  In fact, He has made life wonderful for me.  Do I have troubles?  Most definitely!  However, all of the new beginnings in my life have become a joy.  I have learned so much from each and every experience.  I would not change any privilege God has given me.

My salvation is the most precious thing I have.  The Lord promised to be with me, and He has.  He has been with me through the troubles and the triumphs.  He was with me when I was young and stupid, and He is still with me when I am older and less stupid.  We are still working on the wise thing!  The Lord has made marriage and raising children a joy.  Jesus Christ makes life worth living.

If you haven’t made Jesus Christ your Savior, make that your New Year’s resolution.  He will make the biggest difference in your life.  Give it all to him, including you.  That is what He wants.

A New Year’s resolution for those of us who know Him as Savior, might be to live like we are His.  Let us deny ourselves daily and follow Him.  It will make the best new beginning we have ever had!

Paul sums this precept up beautifully in Philippians 1:20-21 when he says, “According to my earnest expectations and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.  For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

God has a plan for every stage of our lives.  The trouble comes when we only submit to His plan when it matches up with ours.  Those of us who know the Lord as Savior will one day give an account of how we represented Him here on this earth.   Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could stand before Him unashamed of how we lived each stage of our lives?  Wouldn’t it be glorious if the Lord could say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant?”

May we live every day of our lives to bring God glory.  May each new beginning bring the Lord more honor than the one before.   If you feel it is too late, remember God gives us all a fresh start when we submit to His will.  What stage of life are you in?  May this be your newest beginning ever!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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