
I laid on the bed with tears running down my cheeks.  I listened intently, appalled by what I was hearing on the news.  I could not believe it.  All I could think of was my babies, all nineteen of them.  My husband and I are getting older, and we have had a wonderful life, but I am afraid for what the future holds for my children and grandchildren.  My heart was heavy with grief.

The news was filled with all types of violence and perversions.  A young woman’s boyfriend abused her baby girl.  A young man killed his parents.  Gang violence caused the death of a twelve year old.  The cities were rioting against policemen, and the government offered no support.  Supporters of same sex marriage were parading down the street yelling and chanting.  What does the future hold?

Just when I don’t think it can get any worse, I learn we must be afraid to go to a public bathroom or dressing room.  We have no privacy or protection.  Where has common sense gone?  Do we not have any at all?  How can anyone believe it is OK for someone with different biological body parts to go into the opposite sex’s restroom?  What is the problem?  How perverted have we become?  I don’t even think they had that problem at Sodom and Gomorrah.  There was no doubt in the minds of the Sodomites what they wanted.  What does the future hold?

I am amazed at the level of ignorance in our government and in some businesses.  Many companies and events do not want to come to North Carolina because of HB2.  Yet, they are in countries that are openly against gays and oppress women.  What is the point?  It is not because they are standing on a principle, or they would not be in anti-gay countries either.  So, what is the motive?

Christian ministries, along with other non-profits, are under attack.  Individuals are no longer able to decide how they want to spend their time.  The president has decreed that the citizens of the United States of America cannot decide to volunteer extra hours at their jobs unless they are paid overtime.  I guess we do not have enough sense to know how to use our time.

America was founded on Christian principles and the many freedoms expressed in the original Constitution of our great land.  Pilgrims came to this great land so they could worship God as they pleased and escape oppressive rule.  What has happened to America?  We no longer have many of the freedoms that men died to give us.  We are told we cannot pray at certain events, and the word “God” is not to be said at graduation services.  What does the future hold?

My heart is saddened.  I do not know what the future holds.  I know that it will become harder to find a Bible-believing church.  Even though we have the freedom to have a Bible, many people do not bring their Bibles to church, nor do they read them.  We as a people are not willing to take a stand when businesses are supporting the unisex bathroom agenda.  We don’t want to give up our conveniences.  We have become a soft people.  If Christians do not stand, there will be no freedoms left for our children.

I cry out to God and ask Him to intervene.  The future looks bleak, and I do not know what to do.  I know I need to keep abreast of what is happening, but I want to stick my head in the sand.  It hurts so badly.  My tears continue to flow.

At that moment, the Lord reminded me of a song we sang in youth choir when I was a teenager.  It was written over forty years ago by someone who was looking around and seeing all the bad things happening   in our country.  Even though this gentleman would be shocked at today’s world, he still had the right answer.  The chorus went like this:

I know Jesus is my Savior,

I know Heaven is my home.

I know that I’ll live forever,

I will never be alone.

No matter what comes our way, Jesus is our Savior.  He is in control of our lives.  Heaven is what the future holds for a child of God.  We will live forever in a perfect place, and He promises  never to leave us.

How do we help our children get through this mess?  Teach them that Jesus is there by their sides, and He will never leave them nor forsake them.  Teach them the promises of God’s Word.  The main thing we need to do is teach them by our example. Show them how we trust God and are not afraid.  Show them how we have hope in the Lord.

Our answers are neither in our government nor our country.  We need to do everything we can to support leaders that will lead our country in the right direction.  I love America, but she is not my security.  I will fight for her as long as I have breath, but her death is not the end.

Remember!  Our hope is in Jesus!  He is our Rock and strength.  When the bad news comes, it doesn’t take Him by surprise.  Yes, I will still shed tears for the future my loved ones will endure, but my hope rests in Him.

Mrs. Worthington has five children and nine grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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