I know that I am supposed to keep up with the news and what is going on around me.  I understand we cannot make an informed decision if we don’t keep up with current events.  But sometimes I just want to draw a circle around my little world and shut everything else out.

I am weary of not knowing what the truth is.  When I watch the news or turn on the radio, I hear a different story depending on who is talking.  Our country is hurting and a lot of bad things are happening.  My heart aches.  I am not sure which is worse-the actual events our country is going through or the people who are trying to profit from others’ pain.  Who knows?

We cannot trust the media or our politicians. There are a few that appear to have our country’s best interest at heart, but they are hard to find.  What is going to happen to our country?  What is going to happen to our children and grandchildren?  What about our churches?

If I let myself, I can become fearful. In my lifetime, I have seen so many changes.  The issues in today’s world cause me great concern.  If I am not careful, I can become fretful.  I don’t like what I see.

People have always had concerns about America, but they seemed to love her.  No, she is not perfect, but I would not want to live anywhere else.  I have seen so much hate and disrespect towards her.  It seems if we say something good about her, we are the ones that are hated.  There was a time it was okay to discuss differing opinions, shake hands afterward, and go home.  You could disagree with someone and still have respect for them.  It is called living in the land of the free.  That privilege seems to be in jeopardy today.

When I watch my grandchildren playing, all seems to be well. My children are around the table having a meal, and my husband is by my side.  In my little bubble, I can forget about the coronavirus, the political unrest, and the racial tension in America.  I can forget about hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes for just a little while.  I can pretend the sin that runs rampant is not a threat to my precious family and friends.

But that is not reality, is it?   I really think the only safe place would be on a mountaintop somewhere away from civilization.  I remember when I was a child, I would ride a bicycle all over the neighborhood and walk home from school.  Now, I would be afraid to let my child ride his bike all over the neighborhood or walk home from school.  Maybe that is why parents have their children inside on their electronics.  But that is not safe either.  Perhaps the greatest danger for any family is the different screens in our lives.  Screen time has been shown to be harmful to children and adults.  Besides the damage to our brains, the temptation is rampant.

Well, churches have had a hard time the last few months, too.  But I do know one thing, it has been good to be back in church. We have had to cut back for now, but hopefully, we will be in full force before too long.  When I look back in time, there were so many churches that were true to the Gospel.  They are not so easy to find now.  Pastors preached on things that pricked your hearts and stepped on your toes.  I am afraid that many times in today’s services our hearts are tickled and our toes are padded.  A love for the lost was prevalent everywhere. There was a concern for an individual’s eternity.

I am not saying that there are not any good churches in 2020; however, the message just seems watered down.  The lack of insight of some believers surprises me. I have so much to learn, but I am fed the Gospel every time I step into church.  I am taught lessons of life.  I really need to study my Bible more, but I am thankful for a pastor who teaches the Word.

I caught myself pacing the floor the other night. I was concerned about the unrest and the people that were hurting in our community.  I was thinking about our ministry and how hard it had been hit over the last four years.  I was asking myself how much more we could endure,…but what was the problem.

All the anxiety can be attributed to one thing.  As a Christian, I should know better. See, I told you I had a lot to learn.  When we take our eyes off of Christ and try to look to ourselves for answers, we become fearful.  The Scriptures tell us to fear not! Isaiah 41:10 says “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

What a promise!  The God who created the universe will hold me up with His hand of righteousness.  He is not going to leave me or forsake me.  Deuteronomy 31:6 says “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he [it is] that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”

My God is going to hold me with His hands, and He is never going to leave me.  Notice the Scripture says that God is holding my hand.  It is the same as when I was a child. When I crossed the street, my daddy held my hand.  He wasn’t counting on me holding his hand.  His grip was much stronger. God is holding on to me.  He is not going to let me go.

God is Someone we can trust.  Whatever happens around us, He is dependable and strong.  We must keep our eyes focused on Him in order to have confidence as we go through life.  What is the goal?  No, it is not to live on a mountain top.  It is to share God’s love with everyone around us and tell them about His Son Jesus who died for our sins.  God is the only One Who can give us true peace and safety. Tell someone about Him today!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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