
Whoosh!  This year has flown by, and Christmas is just around the corner.  I love everything about Christmas, well almost everything.  My favorite part is the way that people seem to show more compassion and love.  I would like to think it is because the love of Jesus is shining through and they are honoring His birth, but even people who are not saved seem to show love just a little more.  They seem to reach out and help those that are in need.  Oh, there are always the grumps who spoil the atmosphere, if you let them.

Jesus’ birthday is special, and many traditions are associated with the Christmas season.  I love the lights, the music, the hymns about our Savior’s birth, the food, and of course, the fellowship around the tree.  The only thing I don’t like is that it goes too fast.  It seems there is so much going on that it is hard to stop and enjoy it.  I need to take time to ponder all of God’s blessings this Christmas.

Our Christmas season starts with decorating in early November.  Then our family takes a trip to Meadow Lights.  It a beautiful place near Benson that honors our Lord with the story of His life using mannequins.  It begins with His birth and ends with His resurrection.  There is a magnificent candy store and a train ride through ten acres of lights.  Next, we have a ministry Christmas party, and the academy has a mission project for the nursing home.  The young children learn songs, and we take gifts for the residents.  It brightens the day of everyone there, young and old alike.  During the season, we sing Christmas hymns at church and enjoy a Christmas program from our young people. We also have a fellowship with lots of Christmas goodies to share.   These are three things I enjoy about Christmas wrapped up into one.    At the conclusion of the season, we spend time with family celebrating our Savior’s birth and our love for each other.

It just passes by so fast.  Even as a child it seemed to pass by fast.  I love my husband and would not trade anything about my life, except maybe to slow down.  But there are times I would like to go back and visit.  I know many people do not have fond memories of their childhood, but I do.

I have always been intrigued with the idea of a time machine.  I would like to go back and visit different time periods in my life, especially at Christmas.  You know, none of the gifts stand out to me.  What stands out is family.  I remember being with my parents and my two brothers.  Two of them are in Heaven now.  My little brother, Scott, was a jokester.  He loved to tease me, and I used to get so aggravated with him, but he grew up, and we became close friends.  My Dad was my hero and still is.  I was always Daddy’s little girl.  I would love to play ball with him in the back yard or sit on his bed and talk to him again.  After I married, we used to take walks when he came to visit and share our thoughts and dreams.

My grandfather got saved about 4 years before he died.  Before he was saved, I was afraid of him.  Afterwards, he was a changed man.  He became very special to me.  My grandmother was also special.  She would make the best chocolate cake. I have tried to mimic it.  It is close, but it is not quite there.  I remember her cooking in the kitchen.  After my grandfather passed away, she would cook just for me.   Sometimes she would call and ask for a favor promising to cook for me.  She didn’t have to bribe me to come and help.  I would have gladly done anything for her.

It would be grand to sit around and have a family gathering.  I remember all of us around the Christmas tree.  As a child, I would usually give homemade items, but you would have thought they cost a million bucks.  My grandmother was on a fixed income, but she always managed to get us something. Sometimes it was a pack of socks.  We always made a big deal of her gifts because we knew it was a sacrifice.  Even as a child I knew it wasn’t the gift, but the love that went into it.

Well, we can’t go back, not even for a visit.  I am thankful for the memories, but I am also thankful for the new memories.  I have a beautiful family with eleven grandchildren.  How can you beat that?  I am fortunate to have a husband who not only loves me, but he treasures me.  Our children are such a blessing.

I have my mom and brother as well as my extended family.  My mom lives next door so I have the honor of visiting her any time I want.  My brother and I were best friends growing up, and we still can depend on each other today.  He lives in Texas, but if I needed him, he would be here.  I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

I am so blessed!  How can I whine or complain?  I have so many blessings beyond measure.  I do not need anything the rest of my life.  I must say that the greatest blessing I have is the fact that my family knows who Jesus is and most of them know Him personally.  They understand the real meaning of Christmas, and they include it in their Christmas celebration.

Would I like things to slow down?  Being honest I would have to say yes, beginning with Christmas.  However, I am grateful that I have the privilege of serving our Lord at Christmas and at any other time throughout the year.  Perhaps at this Christmas season we all need to think of the great things we already have.  We all need to slow down and remember why we have Christmas.  May we follow Mary’s example as she pondered over the sayings of the shepherds.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.  …And suddently there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men…And all that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.   But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.”  Luke 2:11-19

May this Christmas season be a special blessing to each of you as you thank our Lord for His precious gift and slow down enough to ponder over His infinite blessings.

Merry Christmas!

 Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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