Cross-Within-GraphicYoung children are so amazing!  They are filled with wonder and amazement at the simplest things, yet they sometimes ask very difficult questions.  As a Christian, we have a language that is foreign to people that are not saved and to the very young as well.  In John 3, Nicodemus was confused by the term “born again”.  He asked our Savior, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?”  Nicodemus was trying to picture a grown man being physically reborn.  It just wasn’t possible!  As always, our Savior did a beautiful job of explaining that the second birth was a cleansing by His Spirit.  Nicodemus must accept Christ as Savior!  Once He allows Jesus in his life, he will be a new Creation born into God’s family.

The young have trouble understanding Christian terminology as well.  On the way to school one morning, my grandson asked me a question that I had a hard time answering for his young mind.  He asked, “Grandma, how does Jesus live in your heart?”  Of course, I proceeded to explain how to ask Jesus into your heart.  My grandson interrupted me and said, “I know Grandma, but isn’t Jesus big.”  He wanted to know how Jesus could fit in his little body, or in any person’s body for that matter.  He was five at the time, and I was struggling to find a way to explain it to him.  I did my best.  I explained how Jesus’ Spirit lives inside of you and not His whole body.  He then asked what a spirit was, and I had just as much trouble answering that question.  Fortunately for me, my grandson’s attention span was short, so he changed the subject and started talking about one of his favorite toys.

I have had many interesting conversations with my grandchildren.  One of the most amazing things about children is that you can learn so much from them.   After our conversation about Jesus being too big to live inside of you, I began to ponder.  Isn’t it exciting to know that our great God would be willing to live inside those that are His children?  His Son left the throne of Glory, was born in a manger, and died on the cross.  He was beaten and abused by the humans He created.  God is willing to let His Spirit live inside of our imperfect body where He is exposed to our imperfections and sinful lives.

The Holy Spirit lives inside of me.  Isn’t that awesome!    If that doesn’t blow your mind, I have something to add to that magnificent privilege we have in Christ.   We showed the video at school, “How Great is Our God”.  Louie Giglio preached the most magnificent sermon.  Throughout his message he spoke of the awesomeness of God.  He shared about the different stars and related their size to the earth and sun among other amazing information exclaiming how great our God is.  Mr. Giglio spoke of the human body and how wonderfully we were made.  I encourage you to watch the presentation on YouTube.

The most exciting part of this movie was when he spoke of Laminin.  I had no idea what it was so I listened intently.  Laminin is a cell adhesion molecule.  It is the protein molecule in our bodies that holds our membranes together.  He explained how Laminin is the glue that keeps our bodies together.   We have trillions of cells in the human body.  This was all just interesting facts until I saw the image of Laminin.   I was excited to learn it is in the shape of the cross.  Do you realize what that means?  We have trillions of crosses holding our human bodies together.  It keeps us from physically falling apart.  Laminin holds us together!

Isn’t that amazing?  The Holy Spirit lives in the saved, but the cross of Jesus holds each of us together.  It doesn’t matter if you are His child or not, He still holds your cells together.  Jesus has His gift there for you to embrace.  It is in every cell of your body.  Those who reject Christ need to be aware of this fact.  I guess they would say it was a coincidence.  But as Christians, we know better.

Laminin makes the words in Colossians 1:16-17 even more alive.  The Scripture says,

 “For by Him were all things created, that in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:  all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”

Colossians 1:16-17

Wow!  Doesn’t Laminin bring a new dimension to this verse!  We have a reminder today that no matter what we are going through or what difficulty we face, Jesus is in every cell of our body.  It doesn’t mean our problems go away, it means He is there with us in every facet of our lives.  We just have to embrace Him.

Jesus died for each of us and desires for us to accept Him as Savior.  He wants to forgive your sins and bring you to live with Him one day.  From the beginning of time, we were created with Jesus’ signature in our cells.  He will cover your sins with His blood if you just let Him.  For the Christian struggling, His love will bring you through.  We just must remember that He is there with us.  Won’t you embrace Him?

Come to Jesus today.  He is amazing! His cross is within us, and His Spirit desires to indwell us!  What a wonderful God we have!

 Have a safe and joyous Easter season!

 Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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