What happened? I love my country!  America, in spite of her problems, is still the greatest land on earth.  There are so many freedoms we still possess.  Where else can you go to church and worship God without fear of reprisal?  We are still able to homeschool our children or send them to a private school that teaches about Jesus.  We are blessed with Christian music and preaching on radio and television.  For the most part, we are able to come and go as we please, purchase things we wish to purchase, and go on trips without fear of harassment by the government.

Sadly, over time, many of our freedoms have been violated.  We have to fight for the freedoms our forefathers purchased with their blood.  Our constitution has been misinterpreted so many times.  The freedom to bear arms is constantly questioned, and obviously, the freedom of speech depends on the speaker.  Our government is trying to legislate what we eat and what we build on our own property.  What has happened to our country?  Why have we eroded to this point?

When I look around, my biggest concern is the evil in our land.  I cannot help but believe our country is in a downward spiral because the morals of our great country are decaying.  The “if it feels good, do it” syndrome is rampant.  I call it the “I, me, my epidemic.”  A majority of the people in our great land have become very selfish, from the leaders of our country to the man or woman on welfare.  Most people are not looking at what is good for the next generation.  Don’t you find that ironic?

Independence Day, July 4th, is celebrated with fireworks, parades, cookouts, and many other festivities.  Don’t we realize there would be no Independence Day if our forefathers only thought of themselves?   All of the signers of the Declaration of Independence gave up their wealth and position when they signed the document.  Why would they do this?  They were looking to the future.  These men wanted to “…secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”  Our republic was formed as a nation of laws with the Bible as its guide.  What if our forefathers had been selfish?

What if John Hancock had said, “I will not sign the Declaration of Independence.  I may lose my wealth!  I will be a wanted man.  No way will I sign.”  What if Thomas Jefferson had been too busy to draft the Declaration of Independence?  Maybe he had more important things to do.  He was a very busy man.  What if each forefather, I cannot bring myself to call them politicians, had wanted something in our founding documents that looked out for their personal interests?

It saddens me every time I hear or read the news.  Rarely is there something to be celebrated.  I realize our government has a lot of improving to do, but it seems there is no respect left among our politicians.  Many people do not like our president, but just as many did not like our previous president.  It seems that the office deserves more respect than it is given.  A constant battle is going on in Washington as well as our state governments.  The past election in North Carolina’s government is a prime example.   In my humble opinion, our new governor is in office for one of the most selfish motives there is-financial gain.  Over half of North Carolinians were more concerned about the sports events and losing financial revenue than the safety of our women and children.  What has happened to America?

There was a time when people left their cars and houses unlocked.  My father-in-law used to leave the keys in his truck when my husband was a child.  We wouldn’t dare do that now.  We have home invasions, and people being shot at Walmart or in the middle of the mall.  When my husband was young, everyone owned a gun, but there were no school shootings.  There were very few murders.  Not like today.  Every time you listen to the news, multiple murders have been committed.  Marriage is no longer sacred; it is dispensable.  People are not only marrying the same sex, but they are marrying animals, trees and even themselves.  Sickening, isn’t it.

The moral character of our nation has taken a nose dive.  Where did it begin?  Perhaps it was when Americans began to discard the philosophies of our forefathers.  Our country was built on the principles of the Bible, yet our leaders are doing everything they can to remove God’s Word from our land.  The Ten Commandments have been removed from our schools because we are afraid someone will obey them.  Prayer has been removed from our schools, as well as from important meetings which determine the future of our country.  We have been chastised for putting manger scenes on public property.  This cannot be!  How could God have been kicked out of our land?

Is it because He has been kicked out of our homes?  Our country was built one family at a time.  Each family was determined to teach their children the right way to live.   No, not all families were Christian, but most families followed the moral precepts on which our country was founded.  Parents took their role seriously.  They knew they had to be examples and make sacrifices for the good of their children.  I am not talking about buying them a phone or taking them to Disney World.  I am referring to life lessons that need to be learned.

The values of honesty, integrity, hard work, responsibility, and accountability among others are not stressed today.  It amazes me how parents will get so upset when their child lies to them, yet some parents lie all the time.  How many parents lie to pay a child’s rate for their thirteen year old at the movies or a restaurant?  How many parents call in sick at work to go to the beach? Do you know how often parents do their children’s homework and have them turn it in as their own?  I believe this is called cheating as well as plagiarism.   I have even had parents write students’ punishment for them.  I am thankful I don’t see this often, but it is a shame it happens at all.

What about hard work?  Do we teach our young people the value of hard work?  Do you ever wonder why people cannot manage but one thing at a time?  Do you ever wonder why adults feel so entitled?  They haven’t been taught how to work hard.  I have observed that many children don’t know how to clean up after themselves, nor do they have chores assigned.  It is sad when a sixteen year old has never mown a yard or washed a dish.  Mama is still doing their laundry, and all they have to do is ask for money as if it grows on trees.

Do we teach our children responsibility or accountability?  How can we when we don’t take responsibility for our own actions?  I know there are legitimate times when we can’t meet our obligations, but we should face it.  We shouldn’t have to be chased down.  If you owe money, go in and face the business you owe.  Don’t run and hide or change the mailing address.  Keep your word.  Parents make so many excuses for their children’s behavior.  Just admit!  My child is a sinner just like me, and we are working on it.

There are so many other examples I could give, but less you tire of my soap box, I will wrap it up.  What has happened to America?  Our homes are not following the precepts of God’s Word.  Spoiled and untrained children are not held accountable for their actions.  They are not taught the difference in right or wrong.  Selfishness controls their every action.  These young people have grown up to be our politicians and judges.  So, many Americans as well as our leaders now have the philosophy, if it is right for me, it is right for the rest of the country.  It is no wonder that America is in trouble.

America is still the greatest land on earth.  Committed Christians must stand and be heard.  If we are to save America, we must raise our children on the precepts of the Scripture and follow them ourselves.  We must hold our leaders accountable and pray for our nation.  This will truly make America great again.  It is the only way!

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

II Chronicles 7:14

God Bless America!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and ten grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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