
Which way do I go?  I have no sense of direction.  My husband worries about me when I drive places I have never been to.  He always tries to go with me.  Even with our phones and GPS’s, I seem to get lost.  I have a tendency to get on autopilot when I drive.  My car automatically goes in the same direction when I get in it.  Most of the time, I do start out the same way. Even my church is in the same direction as my work.  Is there hope for me?

If I have a detailed map telling me where to go, I do much better.  Please don’t tell me to go east or west.  I prefer the very specific ones written by someone who has been there.  I want the type that says, “Go three miles past the red barn and turn right, then turn left at the yellow house.”  That works really well until the red barn has been torn down.  I follow the road signs very well.  I dislike driving in big cities.  I have driven in Washington, DC and Fort Worth, Texas-a lot different than Snow Hill, NC.

If I pay attention to where I am going, follow the map, and keep my mind on my destination, I actually do quite well.  It is when I start thinking about the problems of the day or talking on the phone that I mess up.  Isn’t that the way it is with the rest of life as well.

Many aspects of life are based on being able to follow directions.  I honestly can’t think of any area of life that is not affected by the ability to follow through on directions.

Oh wow!  If I could get my students to follow directions, it would save everyone so much work.  I am sure every teacher feels this way.  This starts at preschool and continues until graduation.  There are several times in any given day that a student has to do his work over for not following directions.  As they get older they tend to ask the question, “Why do we have to do it this way?”  There are times that we can look at the problem or the situation and make a change, but more often than not, we have to follow directions.  I do try to explain to my students that some things are an exercise in learning to follow directions.  Whatever they do with their lives, they are going to have to follow directions.

A student that gets a job at a Chick-fil-A and one who gets a job at McDonald’s will have completely different instructions on how to do their jobs.  There will be similarities, but there will be major differences.  Any job will have specifics that one has to learn and go by. They cannot have it “their way”.   Any place of business will expect its staff to follow its directions or rules.  We all have a schedule to keep and deadlines to meet.  We cannot do our own thing if we expect to stay on the job.  Our employers expect us to do as we are asked and do it the way we are asked.  If we spend all day on a job because we think it is important, but we don’t do what is asked, we may not have a job very long.  Most places have a certain way they want things done, and we have to learn to follow the directions we are given. Perhaps we can make suggestions and improve things, but we shouldn’t try that on the first day of the job.  It doesn’t go over very well.  Being innovative is good, but we must learn to follow directions in our workplace.  Each day will go a lot smoother for everyone.

Even our recreational times are filled with directions.  Can you imagine a young boy playing soccer who runs the wrong way on the field? That is acceptable for a 4-year-old, but if a 12-year-old does that, he wouldn’t get to play very much.  If a player won’t listen to his coach, he is not going to get to play.  For those who like to go to the movies, try walking into the theatre with a big bag of popcorn.  That is not happening, my friend.   The sign says “No outside food.”  They don’t care if you didn’t see the sign.

Even at home, following directions is important.  What happens when we forget to put the trash by the road on trash day?  Uh Oh!  Well, there are so many instances where not following directions can get us in trouble.  I fixed spaghetti for dinner the other night.   What if I decided that noodles should cook for 30 minutes instead of ten?  I want to make sure they are done.  I don’t think my family would have enjoyed the meal.  What if we never checked the oil in our cars?  Why is the engine smoking?  Oops!  The consequence of not paying your taxes on time can cost you greatly. Perhaps you may lose your home.

Learning to follow directions is essential in every area of life, but none is more important than in our spiritual lives.  I realize that sometimes following directions and being obedient are often one and the same.  But, the Bible is very explicit in how we are to be saved and what our Heavenly Father expects of us.  We do not get to pick and choose what parts of the Bible we will follow and what parts we will not.  It is all true or none of it is true.  Either we believe it all or we are not following God’s Word. Deuteronomy 4:2 says, Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it…”  The Bible is our instruction book for life.  It teaches us how to live, and we have to know how to follow its directions as well as its commands.

We also do not get to decide how we are to be saved.  The Bible is very specific in this very important area.  It is not by our good works or by our church attendance.  There are many verses I could share, but John 3:16 is one of the most well-known.  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Yes, it is that simple.  Just follow His directions.  No, you can’t just believe there is a God or that Jesus was the Son of God.  The devil believes that!  Put your name in the verse and make it personal.  For God so loved….Sherry….that I should not perish.  Jesus died on the cross and washed my sins away because I asked Him to.  He came into my heart because I asked Him to.  Now, I have the privilege of being His child.  Now, I must follow Him.  He is my Father, and I am in His family.  All because I knew how to follow His instruction book and take it to heart.

Make sure you are in God’s family.  Share God’s instructions for salvation to others!  Follow and share His instructions for a fulfilled life!

Which way do we go?  His way!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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