
Do you like surprises?  Sometimes they are OK, but in most cases, I like to plan.  Recent events have made me take a step backward.  Oh, we still had to come up with a plan so our students could complete their grades.  We had to be sure we could financially take care of our staff and pay the incoming bills of the academy.   But there have been many surprises during this pandemic.

One big surprise for me was the shortage of toilet paper.  Maybe I should have expected it, but in all of the crises of the past, we always had plenty of toilet paper. The different hurricanes, tornados, and floods brought shortages, but never toilet paper.  Soon after the toilet paper, Lysol and disinfectant wipes became scarce.

Another surprise was the politics that came into play.  I guess I should have known.  Never waste a crisis!  I think that is the motto of our politicians.  I wish we could believe they have our best interest at heart, but the information I hear or read shows that our country is not their concern.

I must be naïve. I know the media is biased in its coverage, but I had hoped that during a national crisis, we would pull together.  I keep seeing these commercials about pulling together and being united, but the very ones that produce those commercials are trying to pull our nation apart.  I have been surprised by the selfishness of this crisis.

On a positive note, I have been surprised at the blessings that have come out of the Coronavirus outbreak.  I know there is an abundance of heartache and trouble, but in every cloud, we must look for the silver lining.  One such blessing is God’s beautiful Creation.  It has always been here, but I took the time to slow down and pay attention.  I always notice the sunrise on the way to work, but not like this.  It seems I focus on its beauty even more.  Every strand of color just pops out at me.  Just as in the rainbow we saw yesterday.  My husband was on the porch, and I went to join him.  A heavy rain had just let up, and there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky.  It was a complete rainbow.  Do you know how rare that is?  We could see it from end to end. It was simply beautiful.

We also have had two birds’ nests in our yard.  We watched the parents go in and out of the bushes.  They fly to a perch beside the nest and look around singing.  They were being oh so careful to protect their little ones.  We sat and watched them in awe.   Isn’t God’s Creation amazing?

I knew God had called me to teach, but I didn’t realize how much I would miss it.  I miss my students, and I miss teaching them and helping them with their work.  I even miss the aggravating times.  What we have been doing has been working in the interim period, but it is not an answer for the future.  I don’t want teaching to be through the internet.

I am careful about how I say this, but in many ways, this time has been nice.  I know many people are struggling and have had loved ones to get sick or even die.  Many are out of work, and others have had their hours reduced.  We understand, because we have, too.  I have had more time at home with my husband.  My hours are reduced and at least one day a week I am working from home.  When I get off work, I come home and fix dinner for the two of us.  We eat at a decent hour, and we actually sit together after dinner and talk or watch the news.  I have been able to do some projects at home and still get some school work done in between.  I am enjoying being home more and taking life at a more relaxed pace.

I don’t think the Lord intended us to be so busy that we see our families in passing and wave as we go out the door.  I believe He wants us to be about His business, but how much of what we do is unnecessary.  Maybe we need to examine our lives and learn from this time period.  Notice how nice it is to have time with our spouses and our children.  While remembering, time is short.  We must be about our Father’s business.  I think we can find a balance.

I am concerned about something.  If we are not careful, Christians are going to enjoy this extra time at home too much.  We all know when someone in the church starts missing services, it is harder to get them back into church.  The longer they miss, the more comfortable they become watching church on TV or listening on the radio, if they even do that.  We must remember to be faithful to be in God’s house.  When the doors open up, let’s be there.  Hebrews 10:25 says, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”

 I think it is exciting that some churches have improvised and found other ways to minister to their members.  Until we can fellowship together, let us continue to be an example of God’s love to others.  Some churches have done an outstanding job showing God’s love by feeding those who have lost their jobs as well as meeting some of their other needs.  We must show God’s love to everyone we meet.  Let Christ’s love shine.

Christians can be an example.  Although it shouldn’t be, let this be the biggest surprise of all.  May God’s people minister to others in a way that brings the lost into the fold.  May the love of Jesus be felt by all we come in contact with, even if it is from six feet away.  May the way we treat people during this pandemic cause a resurgence in the church.  May people sit up and take notice.  May our love and kindness make them want the Christ that we have.  Matthew 5:12 says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  Isn’t this a great time to let our light shine!

We have the perfect opportunity to surprise the world.  Let’s take it!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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