Mary1If you could go back in time and spend a day with someone, who would it be?  I am sure many of us would name a special family member or perhaps a Bible character. It would be a difficult decision. Besides the Lord, of course, I think I would like to speak with Mary, the mother of Jesus.  I wonder if it might go something like this….

Mary, how did you feel when the angel came announcing you as highly favored and blessed among women?

Well, it honestly scared me to death.  I thought, what in the world is he talking about.  It took a moment for me to realize it was an angel. I never expected to be visited by an angel.  And then when he told me I had found favor with God and would conceive a Son, I really thought he must be mistaken.  After I regained my senses, I realized this was for real.  This was serious.

What did you do next?

I asked him how this was possible.  I have not known a man.  I could not have a baby.  Then he told me the Holy Ghost would come upon me, and my child would be the Son of God.

Did you ever consider telling the angel you did not want to give birth to the Son of God?

No, not really.  I knew I had the option of saying no.  God always gives us choices.  We can refuse to do His will for our lives.  He wants us to serve Him because we love Him.  For me, my only response had to be yes. I told the angel, be it unto me according to thy word.  I knew God would see me through any problems I might face.

Weren’t you afraid?

I hadn’t had time to be afraid.  My mind was racing.  I was wondering how I was going to tell my parents and Joseph.  I wasn’t sure they would believe me.  I knew I wouldn’t believe me.  The fear of the unknown did settle in, but honestly, I never expected it to be as rough as it was.  With many blessings come great difficulties.

What was the hardest part?

Which time?  It depends on when you are talking about.  It hurt that Joseph did not believe me.  However, an angel came and reassured him.  I tried not to be hurt, because as I said, I would have a hard time believing me, too.   It hurt that my family did not believe me.  When we went to Bethlehem to pay our taxes, we stayed in a stable.  We could not stay with family.  Joseph had grown up in Bethlehem, so we had several family members in town.  It was upsetting that the Son of God had to be born in a stable.  It seemed like we were not caring for Him as we should.  He deserved so much better.

Did you have a lot of visitors?

Yes, we did.  Not only did we have visitors, but they were from all walks of life.  We had shepherds from the fields who came to the stable, and later we had a visit from the wise men that brought gifts for Jesus.

I know you went to Jerusalem to have Jesus dedicated andeventually went back to Bethlehem.  When did you leave Bethlehem?

Jesus was about two years old.  We had to leave in a hurry.  Joseph had a dream that Herod was going to kill Jesus.  We got up and left as soon as we could.  Fortunately, the wise men had brought Jesus gifts, and we were able to use the gifts for our trip to Egypt.

I guess you had several moves and trips in such a short time.  It must have been hard for Joseph to keep up with his carpentry business.  It takes time to get a business started.

Yes, it was.  Joseph took his role as provider very seriously.  We stayed in Egypt until Herod died, then we went back home to Nazareth. It was rough traveling with a young child and getting settled in a new town, but God always provided.  I was real glad to go back home.

Was running from Herod the most difficult part of raising Jesus?

Oh, no.  The hardest part of being Jesus’ mother was watching Him suffer and die.  All the hardships I may have faced were nothing compared to watching my Son, God’s Son, be tortured and die on the cross.  I could hardly recognize my own Son.  When he carried that cross up Golgotha’s hill, it was so heavy.  I wanted to help him so badly.  My heart was breaking.

I guess we don’t think of all the ways you suffered.  Do you feel you were blessed?  Do you feel that is an accurate statement?

Oh, yes!  You see, Jesus is the Savior of the world, and in some small way, I was a part of that. God deemed me worthy, for some reason, to be the earthly mother of Jesus. But, Jesus is my Savior as well. Without Him I could not go to Heaven. Without Him I could not have abundant life.  So, yes, I was and am blessed.  I am blessed to call Jesus my Savior.

Thank you, Mary.  We are all blessed.  Jesus came from His throne in Heaven to be born in a stable.  He lived on this earth as a human and as God.  He felt hunger, sadness, and pain and had the agony of the sin of the world placed on His shoulders.  Jesus did all of this for us.  He came to be our Savior.

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, don’t get caught up in the busyness of the Christmas season.  Stop and ponder over the Savior for whom the season represents. Ask yourself if you have accepted the Savior.  The most precious gift you can receive this Christmas is Jesus Christ.  You don’t have to travel back in time to spend this Christmas with Jesus. He is waiting for you to just ask.

Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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