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“The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.”

Proverbs 27:7


I am sure most of us have enjoyed a great meal to the point of being “stuffed.” I can recall my wife preparing a wonderful meal and after I have eaten my fill, she asks if I would like some dessert? The honest answer is “no.” This brings us to a principle of life: If a man’s appetite is satisfied, you can place his favorite food in front of him, and he will not want it. On the other hand, if a man is starving, he will eat almost anything to preserve his life and to quell the pains of hunger. The Bible tells us in such a time even that which is bitter is considered as sweet.


In our text, Solomon is not just talking about food; he is also talking about life. Man has many differing appetites he seeks to fill. It is our goal to learn to fill these desires properly and within the bounds of God’s will.


Obviously, there is a constant battle going on between the flesh and the spirit. The spirit may want to do the right thing, but the flesh has its own agenda wishing to gratify itself. Our appetites can be a friend or foe in this on-going battle. Appetites can prejudice our whole decision making process, biasing it for good or bad. These powerful forces can pull us toward the domain of the flesh or the spirit.


My responsibility as a child of God is to control my appetites; making sure they are legitimate and within reasonable and proper bounds. I must exercise the right appetite but only to the right degree. As I attempt to master my own cravings, then I follow through with a responsibility toward my fellowman. I must, within the bounds of my authority and influence, help him meet and control his appetites.


For example, we teach Christian ladies to always dress modestly. First, you are a child of God and provocative attire does not become you as a believer. But secondly, you know men have certain sensual appetites which they battle to keep in proper control.   It becomes your responsibility to refrain from putting a lustful stumbling block in their way.


An Appetite To Be Cherished.


A lady has a certain need to be cherished, loved, and protected. Ladies, it is your responsibility to make sure your appetite for these things are within proper bounds. It could be that no man could please you, as your demands are so high. But, assuming your expectations are reasonable, then it is your husband’s responsibility to help you fill this appetite. Now, husbands, if you don’t help her fulfill this appetite, some other man may come along and tell her how beautiful she is, how sweet she is, and he will seek to meet that need she is missing from you. This doesn’t mean she is going to be unfaithful to you, I am just saying it opens up an avenue of temptation the devil will try to use. This has been initiated simply because a legitimate appetite was not being filled.


An Appetite For Companionship.


When a man is unfaithful to his wife, you can usually trace it back to an unfulfilled appetite. He has a hunger which is so strong, even the bitter may seem sweet to him. Now, it could be that his appetite is unreasonable. Some men with very good wives can be unfaithful because of their own weakness in allowing lust to gain an advantage over them. But wives have a responsibility to help their husband fill the just and reasonable appetites he may have. If not, some other woman may come along and exploit his vulnerability. The wife’s responsibility is to help the husband manage his appetite.


Suppose the doctor told your husband he had a rare condition and if he ate potatoes it would kill him. No loving wife would rush home and place a generous serving of French fries, baked potatoes, and creamed potatoes in front of him. Yet, sometimes that becomes a good analogy of what we do.


Men and women have appetites which they need to keep in control. But, God gave us each other so we might mutually assist each other in meeting our just and proper appetites. In so doing, we will not be as tempted by Satan’s bitter herbs.

We live in a world full of temptations, therefore:


We Must Feed The Spirit. We are compelled to avail ourselves of every opportunity to empower the spirit in maintaining and creating positive appetites. Saturating our life with prayer, Bible study, worship, and good music can go a long way in creating an atmosphere conducive to spiritual growth. However, it is also important to control our appetite in small things. As we learn to master the minor tempations it makes it far easier to master that which is mighty.


We Must Be On Constant Guard. Harmful influences which are allowed to come into our homes and lives can easily bring with them improper appetites. We often fail to take seriously the threat of the flesh. Paul struggled against it and so will we. There is great danger in underestimating its power.


“But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

James 1:14-15


Control Is About Saying “No”. Life is full of choices, we must make wise ones; and often the wisest choices are often the things you choose not to do.


For example, I dated a few girls in high school and college. Also, there were a few young ladies I would have liked to date, but was not given the opportunity. In looking back if you ask me, “Was the smartest thing you ever did to marry Sherry?” It may surprise you, but my answer would be “no.” The smartest thing was not marrying any of the others. Marrying the right person was one choice, not mistakenly marrying the wrong person (not that I necessarily had opportunity anyway) involved several choices. Had I messed up on saying “no” to myself one time, it would have circumvented the “yes” that has brought me multiplied years of happiness.


If I visit a buffet, they may have 200 items on their spread of great food. In order to truly enjoy my meal, I will say “no” to all but a few. Likewise, be on guard and be willing to say “no” to most things, and then devote every ounce of your strength to the few things you say “yes” to. This is a principle of life. It is also a principle every businessman must follow if he is to be successful. My life is a testimony of being enriched by the things I have rejected.


Learn The Power Of Temperance. This is the virtue which empowers all of the others. It is the great linchpin of moral stability.


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

Galatians 5:22-23


Most every good thing you try to do will be undone without the temperance to control your appetites. The first experience with a sinful appetite can be thrilling and exciting. On the surface it may also appear to be quite harmless. But, the uncontrolled appetite can quickly become a powerful force. Most people who are addicted to bad habits never intended for it to get out of hand. All they wanted was one cigarette or one drink of liquor, but it quickly assumed complete control.


Every human appetite, even good ones, must be brought into subjection. We cannot become slaves to any form of indulgence. More families are destroyed, and more people die from drinking wine, than from drinking poison. So, it is not always the worst habits which can destroy us. Sometimes even that which appears to be innocent, unless under the constraints of temperance, can lead to deadly consequences. Therefore, we cannot afford to be in bondage to any habit. A life under the domination of the Holy Spirit will ensure a constant moderation of our appetites. The longer we tolerate an intemperate lifestyle, the more fervently the heart will seek temporal things. Perhaps an intemperate lifestyle is a window which exposes the true nature of the soul.


The history of mankind is a history of man reaching beyond proper limits; it is a history of appetites growing more Godless because the things man chooses to feed upon. We are accountable to God to deploy our appetites to His glory. Temperance is the key to nourishing the right things in life, while renouncing the feeding of fleshly appetites.


The key is to lead a disciplined life. In so doing, we will never get so full as to foolishly push aside the honeycomb. Likewise, we will never get so hungry as to feast upon that which is a detriment to our soul. A disciplined life will also make us more careful of the things we may place in front of a hungry person


Control your appetites. Lay a wholesome restraint upon your life every day. Practice self-denial as a constant manner of life and a sign of your spiritual maturity.   Then, recognize the legitimate appetites in your mate while helping them fulfill and control those appetites to the glory of Christ. Finally, we expand this concept to the entire body of Christ within our realm of influence, being always careful of what we may place in front of a hungry person.

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