Helping-SatanWhat is Satan’s job?  Have you ever thought about it?  I believe his title might be prosecutor of Heaven.  He has many assistants helping him with his task.  He also has help from a very unlikely source, you and me!  You see, we are the best assistants Satan could possibly have. His job as prosecutor is in two parts. He has clients, who are guilty, and others who are innocent.  We assist in both cases.  Satan’s goals are twofold.

First, he wants to add to his kingdom daily, and he wants to render Christians useless. Of course, his main goal is to hurt God.  When he succeeds in taking the highlight of God’s Creation to his kingdom, and when God’s children live in sin and are ashamed to share the Gospel, he hurts God. Satan is delighted, and we have helped him achieve his main goal.

The Guilty

In order to keep his kingdom intact, Satan has to keep people from getting saved.  He needs to be sure they continue to receive a guilty verdict.  We assist in this effort by living oblivious to eternity.  When is the last time we shared the Gospel with someone?  We know how terrible Hell is and yet we go on with our day to day lives as if there is no Hell.

When is the last time our lives made an impression on other people?  If our words and actions are no different than lost people, why would anyone desire what we have in our lives?  By not sharing Jesus Christ with others through our words and our lives, we become Satan’s assistants.  People all around us are going to Hell, and we don’t seem to care.  We are not doing anything to stop it.

The Innocent

Another way we assist Satan is by prosecuting the innocent.  We are guilty, those who have accepted Jesus Christ and are His children.  We prosecute our own brothers and sisters.  How do we assist?  What did Satan do when he was complaining about Job?  He accused and criticized his character.  What happens when we accuse our brothers and sisters in Christ?  We spread gossip, we slander their reputations, and we criticize their work.  No one can please us.  We are jealous of their accomplishments, and we envy their praise.  Whether the words come in the car on the way home or in a prayer request at church, the results are the same. We are accusing our Christian brethren who we are commanded to love and support.

The Solution

According to James 1:26, a man (or woman) who doesn’t bridle his tongue is not spiritual.  A man who is not spiritual is assisting the devil with his kingdom.  Whether we are assisting Satan with prosecuting the guilty or the innocent, the tongue is Satan’s primary tool.  We don’t seem to know when or how to use this device.  Let us make a pact to quit giving Satan a vacation.  Let us make his job more difficult, instead of easier.  Let us win souls to the Lord, and let Satan do his own accusing.  If we stop assisting him, we will become his new targets, because we will be on the Lord’s team.  Can you imagine?  If every Christian became sold out to the Lord, the devil would have a much harder time keeping his kingdom intact.  He would lose many of his assistants.  His kingdom would become smaller, and our brothers and sisters would become stronger.  It is a choice we make.  We decide if we are the prosecutor or the defense. What is your choice?  Whose assistant will you be?

Mrs. Worthington has five children and twelve grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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