We are living in a lying generation!    We have grown to expect most politicians to lie, but now you can’t even trust your fellow Christian to be honest with you.  They say they will meet you at 10:00, but you … Continue reading

What is Satan’s job?  Have you ever thought about it?  I believe his title might be prosecutor of Heaven.  He has many assistants helping him with his task.  He also has help from a very unlikely source, you and me!  … Continue reading

There is no question that these are unusual times. Everything has been turned on its head. When we see so much tumult, chaos and fear, this is a time to stop and reflect. When there are unusual circumstances in our … Continue reading

Parents have a hard time these days.  I am glad I didn’t have to raise my children in this day with all aspects of life at their fingertips.  If we allowed them, our children could have any type of knowledge, … Continue reading

There is a lot of talk today about privilege.  I have heard of male privilege, straight privilege, and white privilege.  If such things exist, I guess I have them.  I assume it was because of privilege I starting doing part-time … Continue reading

What do young people think about when they are “in love”?   One thing for sure, it is not laundry and bills.  When young couples are looking at marriage, their minds are usually on one thing.  They want to spend every … Continue reading

While Adam slept, God was doing something marvelous and wonderful. God was creating him a helpmate so that the man would not be alone. Adam could not help but love her, for she was created by God especially for him. … Continue reading

The American Psychological Association recently said that traditional masculinity, is generally harmful to society.  After all, guys like to shoot guns and drive trucks.  What?  They also indicate that being a real man is associated with sexual harassment and being … Continue reading

What a year this has been!  January started with great expectations and Covid-19 hit.  On March 13th, we got out of school for what we thought was a short time.  We prepared to be out for two weeks.  Once we … Continue reading

I don’t suppose anyone really appreciates childhood while you are actually going through it.  Oh, I know there were some good memories and the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons often bring back those memories, but still life as a kid could … Continue reading