When I was a little girl, one of my favorite choruses was “You Can Smile”.  I don’t know how many of you have heard the little chorus; and since I can’t sing it to you, for which I know you … Continue reading

Roller coasters are fun for many people.  I used to enjoy them when I was a teenager and perhaps in my early twenties. The last time I rode a roller coaster I was jerked around so much I was sore for … Continue reading

“Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;” Psalm 92:13-14 Did you know that Mickey … Continue reading

It always brings tears to my eyes when I see our students walk across the stage at graduation.  I have the privilege of handing them their diplomas so my eyes meet theirs as they come towards me.  Many things go … Continue reading

“Don’t kill it, Mommy!  Please don’t kill it.  We have to let it live.”  “But Son, I have to kill it.  The ant will bring all of his friends in the house, and we will be invaded. We can’t have … Continue reading

Which way do I go?  I have no sense of direction.  My husband worries about me when I drive places I have never been to.  He always tries to go with me.  Even with our phones and GPS’s, I seem … Continue reading

The first day of school is right around the corner. With each new school term, the Lord always sends us a great batch of kids.  We have some who have been with us for years, and others who are here for … Continue reading

Sometimes I have the strangest dreams.  I wake up mystified!  One such dream was truly weird.  I was approached by someone in my dream and threatened.  He told me I better vote a certain way on a piece of legislation … Continue reading

As I watched her cross the platform to shake my hand, memories started flooding through my mind.  You see, I had the privilege of teaching my granddaughter at Pathway.  I have been her principal, her teacher, her counselor, her disciplinarian, … Continue reading

It would be nice if prayers were always answered quickly, however that is often not the case.  Habakkuk, addresses the people of Judah, who are suffering under the injustice of an evil government. He is crying out to God wondering … Continue reading