
It seems like several times a week I have a new shock.  On Saturday mornings, I usually go to the dollar store and the grocery store.  I wanted to get a card for my aunt’s birthday, and there wasn’t anything but Thanksgiving cards at the first store I went to.  The other cards were gone or picked over.  Then when I went to the grocery store, Diet Dr. Pepper had almost doubled in price.  I couldn’t believe it. I wonder how many of our supplies will be available in the near future, and if we can get them, will be able to afford them?  I will never forget having to scrounge for bathroom tissue when COVID struck.

Well, we all talk about how expensive things are and how much gas is costing us.  Then we turn on the news and get our ears full of all the heartbreak going on in the streets of our country.  If we give our opinions, we may be investigated by the FBI.  In many cities, law-abiding citizens are not protected from lawbreakers, and honest people dare not leave their homes at night.  It is not even safe in the daytime in some areas.  Sadly, we all know that as time progresses, things like this will eventually spread to all areas of the country. I think of how fast things have changed in the last few years.  The cost of living has soared, our freedoms have decreased, and morals have plummeted.  I can only tolerate watching the news and thinking about these things in short bites.  I have to remind myself that I have a hope that the world needs. This hope is the answer.  Romans 15:13 says, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” 

Jesus is the answer!  But isn’t He always?  As Christians, we know that Jesus saved us, and He is always here for us.  Our Heavenly Father warned us in His Word that things will get worse as we get close to His coming, but He would always be here for us.  Isaiah 41:10 states, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”  Whether we are on top of the mountain or filled with discouragement, God is our strength.

Shouldn’t we be sharing with other people this strength that we have?  I guess that is the question.  Do we care enough to let others know about our Savior?  There is a song written by Bill Cates that asks that very question.  It is a beautiful song.  The words of the song are:

I look around in the place where I live, and I see people with so much to give.  Yet there are those who are dying to know, just that somebody cares.

Do you really care? Do you know how to share? With people everywhere? Do you really care?

People lost in darkness, searching for the way, but do you know of someone, that you can help today? Oh!  Do you really care? Do you know how to share? With people everywhere? Do you really care?

Do you really care?

Don’t we understand?  We have the answer.  We can give people hope in this sin-cursed world. We can give them a purpose for living. We can give them the answer they so desperately seek.

It is easy to talk about how bad things are and to sit and worry about them.  It is easy to say “Oh, my, and Oh, me.”  But when we get down to it, we are either too lazy, too scared, or too wrapped up in ourselves to share about our Savior.  It is okay to take baby steps.  We can start by drawing a circle around ourselves and the people in our immediate family.  We can make a difference in our homes and in our families’ lives by being a Christian example to our children and spouses.  Many times, our family members will then begin to influence people in their circles, and our circles get bigger.  Let our circles grow, and let us see if we can make a difference in others’ lives.

Let us show how much we care instead of just talking about it!  Do you really care? Their souls depend on it!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and twelve grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro

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