
Sherry and I were talking about heaven yesterday.  The concept is far above our finite minds, but even as a Bible-Believing Christian, some things are hard to understand.  As we try to imagine a perfect place of joy and contentment, it is only natural to start with the things that make us happy on earth.

I remember hearing an old preacher that led a man to the Lord.  Well, the man loved his chewing tobacco, so he asked the preacher if he thought the Lord might allow him to chew his tobacco in heaven since he loved it so much.  The preacher thought for a moment and said:  “Well if you love it that much the Lord may allow you to chew tobacco in heaven, but He might require you to go to hell to spit.”

Indeed, we enjoy a lot of things on earth.  Trouble is I am not sure a lot of those things are going to be in heaven.  For example:

I Love Cold Rainy Days.

I’ll take a cold day over a hot day anytime.  For the sake of the grandchildren, I alter my feelings when they are with us, but when Sherry and I go to the beach, I’ll take a cold rainy day in February over a sunny day in July anytime.  Trouble is, I don’t think there are going to be any cold rainy days in heaven.  I read about the robes of white, but there is nothing about overcoats and gloves.

I Enjoy Admiring The Works of Man.

Great works of architecture, a well-made sports car, a fine tuned machine, a classic piece of furniture, a beautiful work of art; I find admiration for the person who made it.  Although we might give honor to great saints for their faith, it is hard for me to picture going by your mansion and saying, “I really like what you’ve done to the place. It was a real dump before you moved in.”  Now, this is just conjecture, and I may be wrong, but I don’t think we will be admiring the ingenuity of the guy like Harley Earl for his great car designs.

I Enjoy the Aroma of the Earth.

The aroma of burning leaves in the fall always takes me back home.  I enjoy the sweet fragrance of bacon cooking on a winter’s morn and freshly mowed grass in the spring.  Will we cut grass in heaven?  Probably not!  Will bacon be on the menu at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?  That’s not likely either.  Will I miss these things?

I Enjoy Marriage and Being Close.

Being close to someone you love may be the most pleasurable activity on earth. Will we always be in a crowd in heaven?  Crowds have their place, but sometimes I like being alone, and other times I like just being with Sherry.  Can the spirit world really compare with the joy God gives us here on earth when we are intimate or close with someone we love?  Can our fellowship in Heaven really be better than a close and loving marriage relationship here on earth?

Some People Really Like Sports.

Although I am not a big sports fan, many people are.  As a matter of fact, most people today spend a lot of their time being entertained by others. It might be movies, video games, or reading a good book.  But will this be available in heaven? And if so, who is going to be creating it? Remember, watching a movie or a football game may be entertainment for the spectators, but it’s hard work for the participants.  Furthermore, although all heavenly movies may be “G” rated, many sporting events have an element of violence in them.  Will you be able to crush your opponent in a manly game of football, or will you just be turning the other cheek once in heaven? Are all of you sports fans going to be reduced to playing ping pong, shuffleboard, and maybe a hearty game of bingo?  And even then, someone will have to face the disappointment of losing.  Is that possible is heaven?  Will you even wish for your opponent to lose?

Some People Really Love Their Pets.

We know there are horses in heaven, but are there dogs, cats, and pythons?  Can you take your doggie for a walk along the street of gold?  Are there fire hydrants on every corner?  The Scriptures seem to indicate that animals don’t have an eternal spirit, and they don’t have the capacity to accept Jesus as their Saviour.  They may not be tainted with original sin like man, but they are under the curse.  Sorry, there may not be any pets to cuddle.  It is also unlikely there will be duck hunting, deer hunting, or fishing either.  Jeepers, it seems like heaven might be missing some real essentials!

With all the normal stuff we enjoy in life not available in heaven, what is left that you would want to do? Talking to your ancient relatives might be fun for a while, but we are talking about eternity.  That’s E-Ter-Ni-Ty!  I am glad Uncle LeRoy was saved, but spending forever with him?

Now, the Bible doesn’t go into many specifics about heaven. Why? The Scriptures say our minds are not capable of comprehending the glory of heaven.

“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.”

I Corinthians 2:9

Imagine for a minute that all you have ever had to eat is crackers and water.  In your world that is all you know, so everything is judged by that standard.  You know crackers and water are better than dirt and pond scum, but you know of nothing better.  Then, one day someone gives you a cookie and milk.  Wow, this must be heaven.  No, it’s not, but it is the closest thing to it that you can imagine.  Now, although you know of something better than crackers and water, still (and this is my point) you remain without the knowledge that Krispy Kreme doughnuts exists somewhere in the universe.  Heaven is that way.  There is something out there that will make you wonder why you ever thought dirt and pond scum, crackers and water, and even milk and cookies, were the best the universe had to offer.

Now, while it’s true we don’t know the details about heaven, the Bible does give us a general idea and what we discover is absolutely mind-blowing!  When we enter heaven we will be changed physically and spiritually. John tells us we will be like Jesus.  More important than anything else is the fact that we will be with our Lord forever. From His throne flows the River of Life. It will be perfect, clear as crystal.  We will finally see Him face to face. We shall worship Him and be His people and He will be our God.

The presence of Christ will dominate heaven the same way the sun dominates the hot summer sky. We will be able to talk to Him, ask Him questions, and listen to Him speak. Imagine hearing His voice – the Bible says it will be. . .

“like the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder.” Revelation 14:2

Imagine the stories He’ll tell, the lessons He’ll teach, and the love He’ll share.  And just think about this:

“When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun,

We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise, Than when we’ve first begun.”

 Heaven is God’s home, but as one of His children, it is also my home.  God is perfect and so heaven is perfect. Nothing imperfect can ever enter heaven (Revelation 22:14-15).  The Word of God makes it clear. . .

“All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

Romans 3:23

But God has provided a way to bridge the gap between us and Him, and that bridge is Jesus Christ our Lord.  He  died on the cross for our sins.  He took our punishment so we wouldn’t have to. Now He offers His forgiveness to mankind. All we have to do is acknowledge we are sinners, and that Jesus, the Son of God, died in our place, rose for our justification, and then  accept Him as our Saviour.

While it is true we cannot comprehend the glory of heaven, we can be assured of our acceptance into that glorious city, but only through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Worthington has been in the ministry over forty years and serves as President of Pathway Ministries.

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