
“Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it. He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them.”   Numbers 23:20-21

In Numbers 23, an evil king named Balak took a prophet named Balaam to a mountain peak overlooking the encampment of the people of Israel and said to Balaam, “I want you to curse them for me”. Balaam’s response is powerful, he said “behold I have received a command to bless; and he hath blessed: and I cannot reverse it.”

It is important for you to understand that the blessing upon your life cannot be reversed. Verse 21 tells us why, saying “He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, nor hath He seen perverseness in Israel.”  Through the finished work of Jesus Christ, the same is true of you and I.  When God blesses, no one (no prophet, no sorcerer, no witch, no devil, no one) can reverse it. You are irreversibly blessed! You can never be cursed.  Therefore, you are equipped to be a transportable source of blessing where ever you go.

God has already blessed you through the power of the blood of Jesus. When your enemies say negative things about you out of envy, jealousy, or fear, know this: the Lord is your defender, it is God who gives influence to words, and He can cause their words to fall to the ground. I want this to sink deep into your heart. In Christ Jesus, you are irreversibly blessed. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.  No matter how dire your circumstances may seem right now, put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Why? Because the Lord has blessed you and no one can change that.

“The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.”  Proverbs 10:22

Solomon, the writer of this Proverb says, the blessing that’s ON and IN your life also makes you rich.  Wow!  That’s awesome.  That’s encouraging.  That’s empowering!  It’s not just what you DO that makes you successful, it’s what is ON and IN you, the blessing upon you, makes you rich.  That may not always be in the form of money or worldly assets, but you are wealthy.

That means wherever you go, whoever you meet, whosoever’s hand you shake, when you go food shopping, when you go to the gas station, you are a blessing going someplace to manifest something great; something healthy, awesome, and powerful.  Something that could be life changing for someone!

The blessing isn’t a thing, it’s not a car, it’s not a house, you may not be able to hold it in your hand.  The blessing is an empowerment that touches every single area of your life.  It’s something tangible and supernatural.  If you touch something it gets affected for good.  Sometimes I am prompted to even pray over the gas pump. “Lord, may the next person that touches this gas nozzle after me be blessed (salvation, health, peace, etc.). 

Sometimes things last longer if you touch them.  Your very presence brings blessing.  You have something in you that will make you rich in every area of your life.  Your health is rich, your family is rich, your money is rich, and your days are full of riches.  Job 36:11 says you’ll spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasures. 

So, when you wake up tomorrow, see yourself as rich in every way.  Look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I’m a blessing going someplace to happen”.  On your way to work say, “I’m a blessing going someplace to happen”.  When you walk into that classroom or appointment say, “I am a blessing going someplace to happen”.  For some, because you are blessed, people will respect you.  For others, your boss may favor you and even your competitors might esteem you highly. They know that there is something special about you because good things happen when you are around!

I experienced this blessing when I was working in retail. After I became a Christian, I started asking God’s blessing on my secular labor.  As I worked hard, I also kept confessing that I was blessed by the Lord, and I experienced divine favor in the business world. My bosses could see that there was something different about me.  It’s almost like every department I worked in, every store I went to, any area placed under my responsibility began to flourish.  I was drawing a very good pay and large bonuses.  Soon, God called me into full-time service.  When I broke the news to my boss, he almost cried. I never knew how much I meant to him until then. Even 5 years later, he called and asked if I would like to come back.  It was only then that I realized I had been a great blessing to him by the grace of God.  Are you a blessing to your boss? You ought to be—if you are a child of God.

Dear friends, because you are also called by the name of the Lord, wherever you go, you are a blessing. His irreversible blessing is upon you. Spiritual people around you will look at you and know that you are a blessing going someplace to happen.

The essence of maturity is found in doing cheerfully, the things that you don’t particularly want to do.  Sometimes you need to bless those you may not want to bless.  The Lord said: “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”  Matthew 5:44.

Peter says, “Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.”  Don’t hit back, or strike back, or talk back. “But contrary-wise render a blessing.” Instead of giving it back to them when people treat you poorly, give them a blessing instead. It’s your privilege and duty to bless people.  The Bible says: “knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.”  (I Peter 3:8-9)

Part of God’s eternal purpose for you, is that you should be a blessing. Now that reaches right back into the very character of God. Blessing comes from the very heart and character of your loving heavenly Father.  If you wanted a summary of God’s character, you could look at Galatians 5:22, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance…”  That’s a miniaturization, a telescoping of the concept of God’s character. And that is what is evidenced in our lives when you and I are Spirit-filled people of blessing.

Peter said that, “Ye should inherit a blessing…” Now remember, it’s part of God’s gift of grace. God’s gracious way of dealing with you is to give you a life that is characterized by an atmosphere of blessing. And that atmosphere of blessing, is an extension of the very heart and character of your loving heavenly Father. So, when you walk into a room, people feel somehow the presence of God; they’re blessed by it.  Now that doesn’t say that there won’t be trials, or illnesses, or pain, or suffering in your life. All of that is part of living.  I am not saying that you will always feel blessed.  I am not saying that the blessing you bestow on others will always be apparent, but it can still be there.   So, why not use it…use it wisely…and use it often.

Part of the reason I am sharing this is selfish.  I want you to bless me!  I need your blessing.  It will also serve to your benefit.  Referring to Israel, God said in Genesis 12:3: “And I will bless them that bless thee…”  I think the same is also true for you and I.  God will bless you more if you bless others more, and that includes me!

Oh, the joy of waking up in the morning, and being glad that you’re alive to serve God for another day. No matter if your body is aching; no matter if arthritis has swollen those joints until it’s a real labor to even put one foot on the floor.  No matter if there’s problems with the family, or with the job, or with the community; no matter if you’ve got trials to face.  Never let the devil convince you that you are not blessed, and since you are blessed, you need to understand that the blessing you have is so powerful that it cannot help but overflow into the lives of others—unless you quinch it on purpose.

My face may not glow as did the face of Moses when he came down from the mountain, but there is a glow about me that is powerful enough to bring light to any one, or anything, that is fortunate enough to be in my presence.  The same is true of you.  You are irreversibly blessed!  Therefore, it is your privilege to bless others.  Have you thought of your life in that fashion?  Indeed, you are a blessing going someplace to manifest something great.

Dr. Worthington has been in the ministry for over forty five years and serves as President of Pathway Ministries and
Christian Bible College.

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