
I sometimes have a difficult time deciding what to share in my articles.  First, I want to write what the Lord wants me to say, and secondly, I must not waste your time.  Time is the most precious commodity any of us have.

I decided to share with you what the Lord taught me recently.  If you are discouraged by what you see around you, perhaps you will find a renewed purpose as I did.  I was watching a news show Monday night, and it gave some statistics. Tucker Carlson was speaking about what was going on in USA, Russia, and China.  He shared a lot of political facts that I really found dumbfounding.

He spoke of how our current administration has weakened our military in several ways.  Our Navy seals are probably the healthiest people in our country, and many of them were fired because they were not vaccinated.  Sixty Thousand National Guard soldiers were also fired because of not taking the vaccine. On one of our bases, they had a drag queen contest while the children were playing in a bouncy house.  It was a family affair. We are admitting mentally unstable people and those with a low IQ that previously would not have been allowed to enlist in our military.  We had this rule because it is not safe for an individual who cannot think clearly in a crisis, and it is unsafe for them to have a gun.  The military only has half the quota of recruits for this fiscal year.  Of course, I understand why many people would not want to serve under this administration.

He also spoke about how China makes 90 percent of the antibiotics, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen, 96 % of the shipping containers, and 80 % of the cranes as well as many other needed supplies.  Taiwan makes 90 percent of the semiconductor chips which we use in our cars, airplanes, electronics, etc.  He spoke of how China would like to control Taiwan, and he believes that is in their plans for the future. He stated that China is just waiting.

Anyway, I began to think about all of these things.  What is China waiting on?  Are they making sure we are not a threat?  Do they want to make sure they are stronger than we are?  Their navy is already larger than ours, and they are building up their air power.  How long will this take?  I bet it is sooner than they expected.  I am sure they are as surprised as we are at how fast the current administration has hurt America.  My husband says that China was thinking they would be stronger by 2027.  I wonder if that is their projection now.

What does all of this mean?  It means that if the Lord tarries, and eventually if things don’t change, we will be controlled by China without them firing a shot.  China will control our electronics among other things, and Russia will control our oil and possibly our food.  Do you realize what that means?  Is that scary to you?  It is to me.

I look at America and see that many of our citizens are oblivious to what is going on in our world.  I look at our leaders and weep.  Our children are growing up in this America.  What is our future?  What is their future?

I really got down in the dumps.  Why bother?  I was driving to work Tuesday morning thinking of all of these things, and I reminded myself that the only hope for the future is our Lord.  If we look around, we see many of our adults are weak. If they met Jesus, He could make them strong!

I also realized that our children need to be taught to stand and not be ashamed.  We need to teach them to make wise decisions.  If the world has its way, our children will be screen zombies and “yes” people.  They will not know how to fight for what is right, and they will not have the common sense to know how to make wise decisions.

We have a school filled with children this year.  Along with their parents and their church homes, we are their only hope.  What are we teaching them?  How do we teach them?

What do we do?  We must disciple them and we must teach them by our lives and our examples. We must teach them to study their Bibles and depend on God.  We must win souls to Jesus, and then disciple them.

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”

Matthew 28:19-20

The first command in verse 19 is to win the lost.  We must teach people about God’s Word and what it means to be saved. We must be fervent.  How many children or people have you led to the Lord in your lifetime?  If not, why not?

Once we have led them to the Lord, we must teach them to observe all things, which means we must teach them to obey the Word of God.  We must teach them that God is with them, and they should go out and witness.  Teaching is the work of the church, and we are a part of that church.  If we don’t share Christ with a lost and dying world, there is no hope.  This world is going to crash and burn one day because God said it would.  But how many people accept the Lord before He comes back is up to the Christians and how fervently they share about His Word.

I am concerned about the future of America and the future of our children.  But America’s only hope is that we teach the Word and show them the way.  If we teach our children to be good Christians, they will be good citizens.  They will fight against abortion, and they will stand for what is right in our country.  They will cry when a policeman gets gunned down.  They will vote for the man that wants to make America strong and vote for values that stand on the Scripture.

So my attitude changed about halfway to work.  As I was thinking of the horribleness that lay ahead and the thought of being beholden to Russia and China, I became encouraged.  I realized that we have a tough time ahead, but I can be a part of the solution.  I can make a difference by making a difference in the lives of these children and by investing in their parents.

It is not time to throw in the towel.  Children need our love and attention.  We need to teach them the way.  We will not be defeated. We are going to stand tall and attack the wicked one.  He will not take our children without a fight.

We are all here in this world for a purpose, and we must fight until the Lord tells us to lay down our mantle. My time is not now.  We must not lose sight of our purpose here.  As long as we have breath, we must fight to deliver the Lord’s message.  I hope I will be able to say these words at the end of my life as Paul did when he was at the end of his life:

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”

2 Timothy 4:7-8

Will you be able to say these words when your days are over? I hope we all will.

Mrs. Worthington has five children and twelve grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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