
What a year this has been!  January started with great expectations and Covid-19 hit.  On March 13th, we got out of school for what we thought was a short time.  We prepared to be out for two weeks.  Once we realized this was to be extended, we came up with a plan for our students to continue their studies.  We had to cancel Spring Share-a-thon.  It did not seem the right time to be asking families for support when they were out of work themselves and unsure when they would be back to work.  Our church services were canceled, and our pastor and many others were trying to find ways to minister to their people.

If you would have told me we would still be dealing with the coronavirus at Christmas time back in March, I would not have believed you.  I would have said, “No way.” In fact, when it first came out, it appeared to me to be another variety of the flu.  At the present, I have seen many businesses close and others file for bankruptcy.

This year we have had rioting in the streets.  It appears that there is an unending list of atrocities attributed to this year.  A policeman that mistreated a man, and it caused his death.  This happened around Memorial Day.  Since then there have been all kinds of cases of abuse and accusations nationwide.  I realize there is corruption everywhere, but I have faith in our policemen.  I believe the majority of them are good people and that they have our best interests at heart.  Should improprieties be dealt with?  Of course, all criminal acts and injustices against all people should be dealt with.

Actually, I would have to say I have more faith in our policemen than I do in most of our politicians.  Our policemen put their lives on the line to protect us.  Most of our politicians want to spend our money and further their agendas.  They are not looking out for our country.  They love only themselves and the power they feel they have.  They do not love America.  There may be a few politicians that love America, but they are few and far between.  When Americans vote, do they vote for what is best for our country, or do they vote for what is best for their personal agendas?  Was this election an honest one?  I will let you decide that.

This election was impossible to escape.  We saw ads on every show we watched.  There was no way to know what to believe.  The ads contradicted each other.  Well, someone was lying.  It wasn’t just the ads; the media contradicted each other as well.  I miss the days when we could trust most of what the news reported.

It has been hard not to be down in the dumps.  I am thankful we are able to be in school.  I do not like all of the regulations we have to follow, but we make the best of it.  I am thankful we can be in church now.  We have scaled back some, but we are there.  The radio station has had several mini share-a-thons and our listeners have been very supportive.  We are able to worship and own Bibles, at least for now.  Our government has not taken away our freedom of religion.

I was contemplating these things on the way to school one morning.  I have four of my grandchildren riding with me to school each day.  We were discussing various things.  Normally they are talking about a superhero or one of the games they play at school, but some days we have deeper conversations.

One of the places we like to go as a family is Meadow Lights.  It is an annual tradition.  The children had learned thatMeadow Lights would be closed this year.  One of them turned to me and asked if Covid-19 would be gone by Christmas.  I had to honestly say I didn’t know.  They all said, “It can’t ruin Christmas.”

Ruin Christmas?  How could a virus ruin Christmas?  I began to realize the only way that anything could ruin Christmas was if we let it.  It has been a tough year, but many other countries in the world have had it much worse.  In some places in the world, people worship in secret, and they die if their faith were made public.  But in America, we are still able to put our manger scenes in the yard and put our lights on the Christmas tree.  We are can cook our favorite meals and sing our favorite Christmas carols.  We are able to give gifts and show our love to each other.

Most importantly, we can still show our love for our Savior.  Christmas is about Jesus who was born in a stable over 2000 years ago.  He grew into a man and walked on this earth so we could learn from His actions and words.  He died on a cruel cross so that we could be forgiven and meet Him in heaven one day.

I told the children “Of course not.”  Covid-19 cannot ruin Christmas.  Jesus will always be with us, and we will still celebrate His birthday.  No one or no thing can stop us from celebrating Christmas.  We may do it a little differently, but we will celebrate our Savior’s birth.

As we look over the past year, we must remember the blessings.  They are there.  Always remember Christmas is what you make it.  Do not allow yourself to be despondent over the news or the happenings of this year.  Remember how blessed we are to be in America and how blessed we are to know the Savior.  Without Him, we would surely be hopeless.

Have yourself a Merry Christmas and remember your blessings.

Mrs. Worthington has five children and twelve grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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