
I have always been a planner, so it is very difficult for me to slow down and be still.  We can all agree that our Heavenly Father has everything worked out in our lives, if we will let Him.  I realize every decision in my life is one He needs to control.  However, should He have to worry about my daily schedule?  Yes, He is concerned about that, too.  He wants to guide me in every area of my life.

I was lying in bed this morning thinking about everything I needed to do.  I began praying to my Father in Heaven, asking Him what I should do.  I always feel no matter what I do, it is not enough.  My life is full, so I am not complaining, but I need to know how to balance the blessings in my life.

As I lay there praying, I cried out to God for His guidance.  My heavenly Father reminded me with His still small voice of a special verse.  It was our dear friend’s favorite verse.  He is with the Lord now.  He used to sing this verse in church on occasion.

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.  Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, to wait” (based on Isaiah 40:31).

I began to pray, “Teach me, Lord. Teach me, Lord.  I am waiting for Your instructions.  You know how to handle each situation.  You know how to handle each need.”

As I got up, I began to think about how I should spend my day.  Since I am a planner, I like to know what I need to do and how long it will take.  I figure I have some control in this way. I am seldom able to carry out all of my plans, but maybe that is the problem.  They are my plans.

The Lord tapped me on the shoulder and said, “I thought you wanted me to teach you?  How can I teach you if you have already made your plans for the day?”

Wow!  I was guilty as charged.  I said, “Okay, Lord.  I am listening.  What do you want me to do today?” He then tells me to just plan the day as I go through it.  I exclaimed, “Really Lord.  Me! Plan as I go?  Do you know how hard that is?”

Well, I was sure the first part of the day was already blessed.  My husband and I were going to lunch that day.  Saturday mornings have been reserved for our time for many years. Our normal routine is to get ready, work for a while, and then go to lunch together. When we get home, my husband studies the rest of the day, and I set about to accomplish as much as possible in the next few hours.  I usually have three or four lists, each with different priorities. You notice I used the word “I”.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a firm believer in lists.  It is the only way to keep myself organized.  So, yes, we need to have lists, but our Father in Heaven needs to be the author of those lists.  Sometimes, I get so focused on my lists that I don’t leave room for what the Lord has put in my path for that day.  I get frustrated when I can’t mark anything off my lists.  I have trouble remembering, life is not about your lists.  They are just a tool to keep you organized.

This was going to be a new adventure for me.  So, I waited until we got home and asked the Lord, “What now?”  It was a battle.  I told Him, “Lord I need to go here, and I need to finish this. I need to write an article, and I have homework to do.  I need to study for Sunday School,” and He interrupted me.

“Didn’t you ask Me to teach you?  Didn’t you tell Me this morning you did not know what to do?  How many times are you going to take control of your time?  Your time belongs to Me.”

I finally got it!  If I will wait on the Lord, He will schedule my day. That doesn’t mean sit and do nothing.  Someone explained to me that wait in this verse is used in the same manner as a waiter waiting on tables.

“So, Lord, how can I serve you today?” I realized that was the answer I was seeking. How can I get upset if I am doing exactly what the Lord has instructed me to do?  I needed to use each moment of each day as God would direct. That is what the Scripture says.

Those that wait upon, or serve, the Lord shall renew their strength.  If we are following His lead, He will guide us through the paths to take.  Don’t misunderstand. We will still have uphill battles. We will have difficulties as long as the wicked one is on the loose.  But if we wait on our Father in heaven, He will keep us refreshed as a runner is when he gets refreshing water during a race.

Then why do I feel so weary sometimes?  The verse also says, “…they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”  How does this apply to me?  I don’t think this means I will never be tired.  If so, I have failed miserably.  Maybe it means when we are doing what God wants us to do, we won’t be weary in doing His will.

What is the message?  I know we need to have a plan sometimes, but we need to be careful that God is the initiator of the plan. Perhaps we just need to stop and say, “What would you have me to do today, Lord?”  Often, we say, “This is what I am going to do today,” and we leave God out altogether.  This leaves us frustrated and feeling like a failure. I so wish I had learned this life lesson earlier.  Unfortunately, it is still a struggle.

We must take one step at a time.  Let’s grow together.  So when we get up each morning, ask the Lord what He would have us to do today, or maybe just say,

“Teach me, Lord. Teach me to wait upon you.”

Mrs. Worthington has five children and twelve grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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