The Message of Thomas Andrews

Original caption: 4/15/1912-Photo of the Titanic on its maiden voyage. This was the trip on which it sunk. Filed 2/21/1938. ca. April 1912

By Dr. T.D. Worthington

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“Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.”

Psalm 60:11

Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.”

Proverbs 6:15


I am not sure I have ever voiced my sorrow over an article I have brought to you. But, what I share today I do not like to share, nor will you like to hear. America is dying. Even as an optimistic person, I find my optimism regarding America is nearly gone. Our country will soon have a personal encounter with the God she denies. It is inevitable. At this point I do not believe it can be avoided. I do not believe it can be stopped. I love my country, and I do not wish to see her humbled or destroyed. However, our country has become so corrupt we will now reap the harvest from the seeds of immorality, despotism, and socialism that have been sown.


In my opinion, America has been the one indispensable and essential nation on the earth for the past one hundred years. I say this without disrespect to any other nation; however, the facts speak for themselves. We have protected the world’s economy, we have used our navy to assure the sea lanes are open for the rest of the world; we saved Europe in two world wars. We defeated Fascism and Communism while bringing down the iron curtain. Where would the world be without America? Although our record is not without tarnish, what nation has done more to aid the hurting around the globe? I must also mention a land of special importance to the Lord our God, the nation of Israel. Humanly speaking, where would Israel be without the support of America?


America has been a great nation. We have done something no other great nation in the history of the world has done; we have used our great power not to enslave others, but to enable them.   These are some of the reasons America has been the one essential and indispensable nation on the earth. Tragically, those days are now numbered. The liability of our sin is overshadowing the asset of our existence, and God will judge.


Perhaps it will be a natural disaster or an economic collapse. Perhaps it will be a terrorist attack of unprecedented proportions which will cause martial law to be declared, and the constitution suspended. Then suddenly a new, but weakened, and less free America will emerge. Our country is traveling down the same dead end road as other great powers in the past. We have rejected the very fundamental concepts that made us great in the first place.


Some have likened America to the great Titanic that sank on April 15, 1912. The Titanic was a huge, powerful ship which many assumed would dominate the waters of the world in power and affluence. America also achieved the enviable reputation of being the most powerful and affluent nation on earth. But, just like the Titanic, I believe America is sinking.


America has been in the process of going down for many years. Many of us have lived to see the total unravelling of the moral and spiritual fabric of our nation. The Biblical standards that allowed America to become the Titanic of nations have been dismantled, and we have been plunged into the wicked darkness of immorality and sin. America, the unbeatable, the unsinkable, and the unstoppable is now dying a slow death from within.


The Titanic sank just hours after she struck a giant iceberg in the northern Atlantic. Although smaller ice floaters had been seen, they posed no threat to the massive Titanic and were simply brushed aside. Ice floaters of violence, profanity, addiction, and pornography have been sited and warnings were issued.   God, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments were buried beneath the ice cold avalanche of humanism that permeates American society. Yet the Titanic of nations continued moving full speed towards a colossal iceberg, and few seem to hear the warning.   Suddenly the watchmen gave warning of a huge iceberg ahead, but it was too late to avoid a collision. Soon the great ship began to take on water much quicker than could be eliminated by her massive pumps. The doom was sealed. Scientists now say that a series of six relatively narrow slits, not one giant gash, sank the Titanic. Our nation has endured a series of slits in our fabric, many occurring in the past few months. They are coming too fast to repair, one right after another with no let-up in sight.

Small damage, invisible to most, can sink not only a great ship but a great nation. America has made many foolish and short-sighted decisions over the years, but most of these were absorbed by the power of the American economy and the resilience of the American people. However the iceberg of abortion, homosexual marriage, uncontrolled immigration, and massive debt is too large to deflect. The series of slits will cause us to take on more water than we can handle. Much like the Titanic, we will see our standard of living and quality of life descend as the water line rises. Ultimately, the ship will sink.


Godly men and women have tried to warn our leaders of the dangers of their foolish plunge into the darkness, but they behaved just as Captain Smith as he received a total of seven iceberg warnings. The Captain simply ignored them as being only routine dispatches. Likewise, our leaders have foolishly ignored our failing educational system, rampant unemployment, plunging morality, the steady erosion of our individual freedoms, and the relentless encroachment of government into our lives. Evil men will not listen to the sound of reason. The reprobate’s compass is broken. He only believes what he says and then seeks others to agree.


Today, men of God feel as if they are playing the role of Thomas Andrews. Andrews was one of the principal designers of the HMS Titanic. He was the 39-year-old nephew of Lord Pirrie, the principal owner of Harland and Wolff, the Belfast shipyard who built the great ship. As was his custom, he was on board for the maiden voyage.


After the Titanic struck the iceberg, it was Andrews who first surveyed the damage in five watertight compartments and subsequently delivered the shocking news to Captain Smith. It was now a mathematical certainty the Titanic would sink. Just like Noah from years ago, he was the first to realize the inevitable.   He could see what others could not. He knew what others could not comprehend. As one of the few people on board who understood the immediate danger, he was observed urging people to get into the lifeboats.


I know our leaders would never listen, nor would I have all the answers even if given the opportunity to address them, but I do know something about the original design of this nation. The massive infusion of water cannot be repaired short of a “Jonah Styled Nineveh Revival.” In the wake of such a time of national repentance, it might lead to a reprieve of God’s wrath. Truth is, short of a Divine miracle, the ship will sink. Our only hope in this late hour is for a time of deep, penetrating, national repentance. It needs to include every level of government, all institutions, all churches, and people of every race, tongue, community, village, and hamlet in America. The full implementation of God’s plan of national restoration is our only hope:


“If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

II Chronicles 7:14


Honestly, I am not sure at this point it would stop judgment in its entirety. I also realize the possibility of our prideful nation repenting is almost impossible to imagine. But, we are given this Scripture for a reason. We cannot ignore it. We need a national repentance beginning in the family of God and then extending to every facet of our corrupt society.


It is interesting that for nearly 100 years, it was not known that something could have been done that cold April night which might have saved countless lives. It has been revealed that the reason for the quick sinking was a rash decision of the ship’s owner, J. Bruce Ismay. He insisted they continue sailing when they should have just stayed still. The forward movement rushed additional water into the ship and it actually sank hours faster than it should have. Many believe if the Titanic had simply stood still, she would have survived at least until the rescue ship arrived. If that is true, no one would have perished.


How often does calamity end with greater loss because of hasty decisions? Often, simply exercising patience while letting our Master take control of the situation is the best remedy. If God could get America’s attention, perhaps we could just be still and make no further unrequired government actions until we reassess our situation. We could put on hold many of the foolish decisions that have been made over the past few years and give them one more prayerful look. Yet, this is unlikely to happen. So, full speed we will proceed on our way to judgment.

Just before the Titanic sank, the giant ship reportedly broke into two sections. Have you considered that our nation stands more divided today than at any time since Reconstruction? But, today it is more than politics or race that divides us. We just seem to be naturally bent to argue and choose sides. We don’t even care if our argument is true, it just needs to sound convincing to the ignorant. Apparently, we have reached such a pointed, poisoned, and perverted point in our history that any topic can trigger an angry standoff. Of course, our government wants a weak and divided population. Our unity would threaten their agenda.


Oh, how I mourn the passing of America! The hearts of genuine, patriotic Christians cry in despair as they witness the impending political, economic, moral, and spiritual demise of our great country. No nation in history has risen to such greatness, only to decline and fall like a meteor flaming from the sky. As the spiritual and moral fiber of this nation falls apart, there will be a corresponding decline in the political, economic, and social fortunes of the entire world. The Titanic of nations is that big. We will not suffer alone.


What if you were a passenger on the Titanic? What different choices would you have made if you knew what was going to happen to you and your family? Would you have approached the captain insisting he change course? What if he ignored you? Would you assume he was the expert or would you have enlisted a hundred fellow passengers to support your demand to change course?   If he still refused, would you have given up and suffered your fate? Would you have been relentless and gathered 1000 passengers behind you to insist that the captain change course. One thing is for sure, if Thomas Andrews had personally delivered the inevitable news, would you not have secured your family to a lifeboat?

The United States, like all great nations before us, is going to sink. You can see the signs all around our country. If you were the least bit observant, you felt the jolt when the iceberg was hit. You sense the great ship is beginning to list, and you hear the sounds of strain ripping at our very fabric. After these past few weeks, you cannot possibly have any confidence in our Captain or other key decision makers. Furthermore, you know you will never again out-vote these people.   You may win a few small battles, but they will keep coming back until they prevail. Most have ignored the lifeboat on the government’s promise of a safe passage. We have forsaken God, who has never failed to get us to our desired haven, and have placed our trust in leaders who betray the truth of their intended destination. We are not sure where we are going anymore. The ship is going to sink! You must get on the lifeboat.


Unlike the Titanic, our lifeboat is sufficient for everyone who chooses to get in. Our lifeboat is Christ. No ship that ever sailed the seas had given her passengers more confidence or more security than the Titanic, but it was a false security.   The illusion of safety doomed two thirds of the Titanic’s passengers on her very first voyage. My advice would be to secure yourself and your family into the lifeboat. Next, you should warn others to find their place in the only ark of safety. Then you should begin to intercede for our nation before the throne of God. The experts are wrong; the ship is going to sink. Fasting, prayer, and utilizing the remaining freedoms of our citizenship might slow up our destruction. Yet, we still need to make preparation (financially, emotionally, and spiritually) for the dark days ahead as we await the return of our Lord.


Like Thomas Andrews it grieves me to report that our nation has suffered a mortal wound, a wound that is beyond human ability to repair. At this point only God can stop the inflowing waters of judgment. Short of Divine intervention, our destruction is a moral, economic, judicial, and legislative certainty. The crippled ship may stay afloat a while longer, but without national repentance she will never be the great ship of liberty she used to be. Thomas Andrews has delivered the message.


As a Christian, I have many things to be positive and optimistic about. I am saved and born into the family of God. My name is written in heaven, and I have the Holy Spirit living within me. However, I cannot be optimistic regarding the future of any nation that forgets God. Looking back, perhaps it was John Adams who pinned the epitaph of America back in 1798.


“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

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