
When my life is touched by yet another blessing, I like to savor the moment.  I don’t want to miss a single one.  Our lives are so busy that many blessings pass us by.   I am guilty, too.  Philippians 4:8 states, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” So, we are not only to think about our blessings but many other things that are wholesome and pure.  The Scripture uses the word ponder when Mary was thinking deeply on things.

What does ponder mean?  The definition for ponder is “to think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.”  I don’t think we ponder enough in our world today.  We are an impulsive society that wants everything now.  I know this is a life lesson I have learned the hard way.  I still do not have it mastered.

What are some things we should learn to ponder?  I think we should ponder over who we should marry.  We would have much less heartache in our world if we were more careful before saying the words, “I do.”  I have noticed that young people don’t discuss the important issues before they get married.  Many don’t even know if their special sweetheart wants to have children. They don’t know their political persuasion, and worst of all, they don’t even know if the one they have chosen to spend their life with is a Christian.  Oh, they may have asked, but they don’t seek for real evidence.  They never asked the important questions about their future spouse’s salvation experience and walk with God.  This leads to a road filled with trouble.

We should also ponder over our financial decisions.  We need to think carefully about going into debt.  I really like that house, but the payments are over half my monthly income.  I really want a new car, but I am still paying for my old one.  Unfortunately, many people I know who are in financial trouble seem to nickel and dime themselves to death.  If they would think before they bought an item, they might decide the money would be better spent elsewhere.

Americans do not ponder over political decisions as they should.  In any election, we need to ask, “Where does this candidate stand on the issues?”  We have a responsibility to find out where the candidate stands and vote accordingly-not because of a party affiliation.  It is America’s only hope.  Citizens need to learn to ponder.

Parents have an awesome responsibility when it comes to their children. Should they not ponder over every decision they make where their children are concerned?  It is so important to keep them in a church, school, and home where God is at the center.  Every act of discipline and love needs to be thought out carefully.  Our young people are facing so much in this era in which we live, so we must help them in every way we can to fight the enemy.

We all need to ponder and be so careful where we go to church.  Our church family needs to believe the Word of God and practice it, too.  Our church is the place we go to worship our Savior.  Should it not be a place that is sacred to us-a place that honors God in music and His Word?

It is important to ponder over life’s challenges.  If we are impulsive, life will be much more difficult.  I do believe a Christian has an even greater source to draw from.  As a Christian, I have my Heavenly Father, my Savior, and His Holy Spirit.  I have the privilege of prayer.  As Christians, we do not have to rely on our own instincts, intuitions, and thought processes.  We have so much more.

We have the Lord to guide us through the miry clay on this earth.  Our greatest problem is we don’t want to wait on the Lord.  We don’t want to ponder or pray.  Isaiah 40:31 tells us to wait upon the Lord.  That doesn’t mean to sit and do nothing.  He wants us to wait upon Him and serve Him.  As we are serving, He will give us instructions.

We need to be still and listen for God’s instructions (Psalms 46:10). Our Christian community today is so busy running around doing good, that we don’t take time to listen to God.  How can we listen if we don’t take the time to read His Word and pray? Prayer isn’t always talking; it is listening, too!

Before we make a decision, shouldn’t we talk with the One who knows?  Our Heavenly Father loves us and wants what is best for us.  He knows if it will be good to buy the car or the candy bar.  He knows how to handle our children.  He knows our future.  Why don’t we ponder and bring these things to our Lord?  Should we not worship Him?  Should we not get to know Him?  That is all He wants from us.  He wants our love, obedience, and praise.

Ponder over the things the Lord has done for you.  Make Him a priority in your life. Slow down.  Be still and know that He is God.

“Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established,” Proverbs 4:26.

I so need to learn this truth, Lord!  May I grow closer to you each day!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and twelve grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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