
What in the world is going on?  I hear one crazy thing after another.   Some situations are even horrific!  The news makes you want to weep.

We feel so helpless.  The Americans and the Afghan citizens that are Christians or sympathizers to the American people are counting their days.  They do not know how long it will be until the Taliban comes after them.  And if you are a woman, you do not have a pleasant future.  The information is so terrible I cannot even repeat it here.  These poor people have so much to complain about and fear.

Our country is in a mess for lack of a better term.  So many people refusing to work.  They prefer to have a cushy unemployment check while businesses are begging people to work.  When we go to a place of business, we have to wait longer.  It is not because their current employees are lazy or incompetent.  It is because the businesses can’t find anyone who wants to work.  Their employees are doing the best they can.  The signs on the drive-up window state, “Please be patient, we can’t find anyone to work.  These people came to work today.”  Several restaurants have not opened their dining room, not because of COVID, but because they don’t have enough workers.  Others have closed two or three days a week and shortened their hours.  Why can’t our government open its eyes?

There are other concerns for our country.  The list is endless.  We have people who do not respect the police force, and they think they are entitled to burn down buildings.

Our government is trying to mandate a vaccine that is still in the experimental stages.  If we don’t get the shot, we lose our job, unless we work for the CDC.  We have working families afraid of losing their jobs so they comply.

Our schools are teaching a false history, and the sad thing is many of our parents don’t even know history themselves. Our children are also being polluted by social media.  Most forms of media are so slanted the children can’t see both sides.  The censorship is extreme.  I don’t even care if they put on the radical message but put on the conservative message, too.

The truth is foreign to most of us.    Our society has been taught to let others do the thinking for them.  When we need to know something we “google it.”  Who controls Google?  The liberal left controls all facets of most media.  We have found on many occasions when our students turn in papers that much of the information is incorrect, but they have a documented source.

Our government has convinced many people they cannot think for themselves. We are not capable of figuring anything out. Unfortunately, the younger the citizen is the more convinced they are that the government is right.  Why can’t we figure out that closing down American resources for gas was a bad idea?

We now pay extra for gas for our own vehicles, but every company also pays extra for gas to get merchandise to the American people.  Can you think of anything that doesn’t require fuel to get to us?  Our president thinks the answer is electric cars.  I challenge you to come up with why that is a bad idea.  I can think of at least five reasons that would be a nightmare.  Can you?

I could go on depressing you, but I am sure you are asking me where is the encouragement.  Well, we have a lot to be thankful for.  These are all pitiful things, but in America, we still have the opportunity to worship God.  Yes, I don’t know how much longer, but it is still much better than what Christians overseas are going through today. Thank God I am not in danger of being shot in the streets for my faith or defiled by those who are in power.  Thank God I have the gift of prayer.

We are so fortunate.  No matter how bad we may think we have it, there is someone much worse off.  We are blessed to be able to breathe another day, spend time with loved ones, and share the Gospel.  Many of the missionaries share their experiences of persecution with a smile on their face and joy in their hearts, no matter how bad the hardship.

Why do we complain and grieve over the smallest problem?  Many of us get real upset when we don’t have air conditioning.  I feel sorry for the people that are working outside on a hundred-degree day, and I am thankful for an indoor job.

James 1:2 states, “…count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Philippians 4:4 states, “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”

When we look around us and get discouraged, as I often do, we must remind ourselves of these verses.  No matter what is going on around us or what comes our way, we should be able to smile and have joy.  We may not be happy about the situation we are in, but we can still have that deep joy that only comes from within.  Jesus is the author of that kind of joy.  And not only that, we should be able to rejoice in the Lord.  We should always be able to praise Him for His goodness.  The keyword is “always”.  It doesn’t say when the going is easy and convenient, it says all of the time.

Thank you, Lord, that you have given me so many blessings.  May I always give you the glory!  Let the trials come.  You are my sustainer and my everything. Thank you for always loving me.

Mrs. Worthington has five children and twelve grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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