Is there a term for the person who constantly searches through the guide on the television set looking through hundreds of channels?  I tried to find one, but all I found was the terms “channel surfing”or “channel flipping.”  Well, that is definitely not me.  Those terms describe the person who flips between channels because they want to watch more than one channel at one time.  I have trouble finding one.  I don’t watch a lot of television, but there are a few shows I enjoy.  Many times I become frustrated because there is nothing on I feel is worth watching.

I guess I am picky about the shows I watch. Of course, there is the obvious. I won’t watch shows that have vulgar scenes or filthy language in them.  I also do not like scary movies or shows.  When I was a child, I used to hide behind the chair in our living room if I was afraid.  I don’t like shows when things jump out at me.  I had nightmares when I watched anything remotely scary.  The true stories were the worst.  Do you know I still remember scenes from a movie when I was in my early teens?  It was about a young girl with multiple personalities who was abused by her mother. The scenes are engrained in my mind.

I also like the shows to have some type of plot to them.  Some of the programs that are on now seem so stupid to me.  They don’t have a purpose, and many of them make the parents look like complete idiots.  For that matter, a great many make all people look stupid.  Maybe they are prophetic.

When I watch TV shows, I look for several things. First of all, I usually watch TV at night with my husband, so it needs to be something we both enjoy. Sometimes we just enjoy a movie together, but most of the time it is for the purpose of “winding down”after a long day.  I enjoy watching TV when it helps me relax or when I can learn something. One area I have always needed to learn more about is history.  Some of the shows that explain the value of items and how they relate to our past intrigue me.  I also learn things from the true stories and documentaries.  Many of those do not relax me, but they are necessary for my growth.

Movies and documentaries about the sinking of the Titanic, the Twin Towers, or any other national disasters bring me to tears. All I can think about is the people who may have entered eternity without Christ that day. I have to wonder if anyone tried to win them to the Lord.  It also reminds me that I need to do more to win the lost into God’s family.  How can I just go about my life as usual when people around me are headed for hell?  These programs do not make me relax, but they serve a great purpose.

War stories are also heart wrenching to me. So many people suffered and died in the different wars of our country.  Those soldiers gave their life for the freedom and values of America. First and foremost, I wonder if they knew my Jesus.  I pray they did, but statistically there are many soldiers in hell today.  I wonder if someone tried to tell them about Jesus and His love before it was too late.

These same soldiers died for a country that has become so undeserving of their sacrifice.  If they could see America now, would they regret their actions?  I love my country, but I fear the level of evil that prevails in our land.  I am afraid the average American citizen has a lot of blood on his hands.  The fact is most people are guilty of not fighting for the ideals these men died for and for being complacent with the sin that runs rampant in our land.  We are accountable!

The soldiers that fought at “D Day”didn’t turn tail and run when the odds were against them.  There were around 4,000 deaths in the allied forces on June 6, 1944.    These soldiers knew that there was a great chance they would die that day, but they moved forward.  Why did they take that chance?  Why did they risk not ever seeing their families again?  Why did they risk it all?  They believed in what they were fighting for.

We may be speaking German today if the soldiers behaved like most Christians do.  Our country would be a totally different place, if American soldiers had said, “I’m tired of fighting.  I want to go back to my comfortable home with my wife and kids. I want to go back to eating three hot meals a day and my safe job.  I am tired of being shot at and wondering if I am going to die today.”  I am sure many may have had those thoughts, but they knew they were fighting for the greater good. They felt freedom was worth fighting for.

Is it worth fighting for the Kingdom?  Are the soldiers of God’s army retreating? Why don’t we take chances and risks? I guess the sacrifices just aren’t worth it.  Many times the soldiers in God’s army don’t even know how to use their swords.  Bible study is at an all-time low. If we don’t know our Bible, how can we be confident witnesses for Christ?  Besides the fact we don’t know the Scripture, many of us are afraid to witness and have nothing new to share about what God is doing in our lives today.  Statistically, only 52% of evangelicals shared their faith with at least one person last year.  We aren’t serious about snatching lost souls out of the clutches of Satan.  He is laughing at us.

Our charitable giving is down, too! According to a Gallop poll, giving to religious organizations is down 12 percent in America since 2005.  Those figures include those who give to all “religious” charities as well. As far as tithing goes, less than 12% of born again Christians tithe, and only 23% of those are under the age of 40.  What does the future hold for Christian ministries?

I could continue to discuss so many areas Christians should be fighting for.  It is sad to see the lack of zeal or determination to fight for the truths of our Bibles. It is difficult to find people willing to work in Christian service, much less full-time Christian service. Most people want to be in the stands instead of on the playing field.  There are so many ways we can serve.  There isn’t any legitimate reason for each Christian notto serve in some capacity.  We have some elderly people in our church who are serious prayer warriors. They pray for me every day.  What greater service is there?

Isn’t it time for you to arm yourself to further the Kingdom? It is time for born-again Christians everywhere to stop retreating and march forward.  We must learn to use our swords and fight for the future of our families, churches, and America.  We must all search and find out what God wants us to do in His army.  It is never too late to start!  Do it today!

Mrs. Worthington has five children and eleven grandchildren.  She serves as Principal of Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro.

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