As an American who happens to have been born white, I do not mind confessing that racism has existed in our country.  There have been some chapters in American history that I am not proud of.  However, I am equally convinced that systematic and sanctioned racism had reached an all-time low in American culture.  That is not to say that there were not pockets of color hatred on both sides of the equation, but generally speaking racist were frowned upon by most rational people regardless of their melanin level.  Of course, I said they “had” reached an all-time low, sadly much of the progress that had been made might be lost if the civil rights movement does not grow up.

They tell us that America is more divided than it has ever been.  Of course, it is divided and that division is more noticeable when the liberals are on the warpath because they own the media, and their views are typically the loudest and most violent.  The truth is, there has never been a time when our country was not divided. But the real difference is how the two primary teams express their disdain when their leader is not in charge.  Conservatives are less likely to take lives and destroy property, while  liberals are more likely to kill people and destroy property.

The country was just as divided when Former President Obama took office. Rather than physically harming people and destroying property, the “conservative team” protested in less volatile ways.  Furthermore, I am sorry to tell you, but the division in our country will never go away.  It won’t go away because our nation is part of a fallen world. There will always be battles over right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and evil.  As long as people are imperfect and we interpret facts through the lenses of our biases, we will always divide over what we want. Husbands and wives will divorce. Parents and children will go their separate ways. Employees will still get fired, churches will split, races will divide, and nations will still go to war.  This is not going to change, and it will probably get a lot worse. It can’t be any other way until Christ comes back to rule and reign. The Christian worldview waits for that future day. In the meantime, the two teams will always act according to who they are, what they believe, and what they want.

Yet, regarding racism, it does seem as if the polarization is getting a lot worse.  Legal progress has been made, but emotions and feelings seem to be heading in the wrong direction.  We thought the days of rioting in the streets, demolishing private property, and broadcasting anger through the media were over.  We thought the few remaining areas of racism that still existed were dying a slow but natural death.  We thought the civil rights movement had grown up, and grown in, to the American fabric and most  Americans seemed to be okay with that.  However, apparently, we were wrong.  In my opinion, the whole movement is in peril.  Let me explain by giving you an example.

Historically speaking, little children are under the authority of their parents.  Small children have very few rights and meager responsibilities.  As a general rule, they cannot be trusted.  Of course, little kids grow up and become adults.  We usually associate adulthood as when you grow up and put away childish things.  Being an adult is when you conduct yourself with a measure of control and maturity.

Of course, stuck in the middle, right between being a child and becoming an adult are the teenage years.  The teenage years are totally different from adulthood or being a small child.  Some teenagers grow quickly into adulthood.  Almost overnight they learn to become mature and responsible citizens who pull their own weight.  Yet for many, the teenage years are often associated with rebellion.  The trouble is, we are living in an increasingly adult adolescent society where adolescents are setting the trends and tastes. The teenage culture has become the model for American life with its consumerism, secularism, laziness, hyper-sexuality, sense of entitlement, and shirking of responsibilities.  Many teenagers feel they deserve to be freely given what they want simply because they want it.  Now, many adults feel the same way.

That is what appears to have happened with the modern civil rights movement.  Back in the 1960’s Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged the oppressed, who by and large had been behaving like obedient children, to use the mature adult concept of the peaceful appeal to plead their case against an unfair system.  His plan, although not always followed perfectly, accomplished a great deal of good.  Laws, philosophies, and most importantly, feelings began to change for the better.

Tragically, rather than continue their growth into society as mature contributing members, many regressed.  The maturing adult began to act more like a rebellious teenager, and we all know that a nation of teenagers and children cannot be a nation of self-governing people. For example, many in the “Black Lives Matter” movement, regardless of their actual age, behave like a group of immature teenagers.  Furthermore, it is not a culture that can mix with other cultures because it is, by design, exclusive, rebellious and resistant. Everything from language, to dress, to music, to appearance is almost the direct opposite to the “white culture.”  Asking most white people to accept the modern American black culture is not practical or even possible because it is in direct conflict.  Even if I do not possess an ounce of prejudice, why would I want to accept something that is geared to rebel against my entire race?

I was totally fine with equality under the law, but demanding special treatment because you are “entitled” doesn’t set well with me. This really isn’t hard to understand. In the modern American black culture, white people are almost always portrayed as the enemy. That has to change before anything else can.  This form of rebellion must cease if the culture is going to be accepted and respected.

With that being said, rebellion can take many forms, but all forms of rebellion are not necessarily bad, especially if they are conducted properly and serve a worthwhile moral cause.  Although we think of rebels as troublemakers and outcasts, rebels are also those among us who can change the world for the better with their unconventional outlooks. Instead of clinging to what is safe and familiar, rebels defy the status quo. They are masters of innovation and reinvention, and they can have a lot to teach us.

Trouble is, great moral crusades, noble causes and genuine ideological struggles are few and far between. Modern rebellions are usually about gaining power or treasure. A rebellion originates from a sentiment of indignation and disapproval of a situation, just or not, and then manifests itself by the taking of certain actions.

There are a number of terms that are associated with rebellion. They range from those conducted with positive connotations, those with negative connotations, and those that history may judge as being just or unjust.  Positive examples are often generically referred to as civil resistance.  Civil resistance is an action that relies on the use of nonviolent resistance to challenge a particular policy or power.  Gandhi used peaceful civil resistance to free India from British rule.  Other forms of positive civil resistance may include:

Boycott, usually it simply means a separation, primarily financial, from the system that is being rebelled against. This entails refusing to contribute financially to the entity you do not approve of.  For example, you may refuse to support a certain business or purchase a particular product.

Peaceful Protest, this might include a letter writing campaign, a telephone call to a government official, or a peaceful march to voice your disapproval of some action being taken.  Voting can be a form of peaceful protest against a politician that is currently in power.

 Strike, this is often aimed at companies or corporations by the employees who feel they are being mistreated.  Strikes are usually well organized and peaceful.

It is important to remember that in any of these acts of civil resistance, should they become violent or unlawful, they quickly transition into becoming a negative example.


Negative examples may include:

Violent Protest, is a violent public disturbance. At its worst this becomes a riot where laws are broken and often property is destroyed.  Violent protests can appear to be peaceful, such as a “sit-in”, but even then, they likely constitute a violation of trespass laws.

Revolt, a term that is sometimes used for more localized rebellions rather than a general uprising.  When people revolt against someone or something, they reject the authority of that entity over them.

Insurrection, is usually an armed and violent action that is taken by a large group of people against select political authorities, usually in order to remove them from office.

Subversion, which are covert attempts at sabotaging a government, carried out by spies or other subversives.

Terrorism, which is the use of intentional violence for political or religious purposes.

Mutiny, which is carried out by personnel against their commanders.  We usually associate this with the military.

Armed resistance movement, which is carried out by “freedom fighters”, often against a controlling powers.

Coup, an illegal overthrow of a government, usually carried out by force by the military or powerful politicians.


Next, we have the examples that may be judged as just or unjust:

Revolution, which is mostly carried out by frustrated citizens, usually meant to completely overthrow the current government.  Some revolutions were obviously fought for just reasons, others were not.

War, is usually termed as being legal or illegal, just or unjust.  A legal war is usually declared formally against one entity by another.  Wars can be judged as just or unjust based upon the norms of accepted behavior or law.  It is generally characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality.  True war is fought on many fronts, using the military, propaganda,  economic pressure, the media, and education.

It is important to note that any form of negative rebellion is usually destructive over the long term.  For example, constant violent protests, riots, or revolts can destroy a country.  Some countries have experienced one coup after another.  Such nations, nor the citizens within these nations, can prosper in such an environment.

The same is true of a culture.  A culture that is inherently rebellious is not sustainable, even for its own people. Eventually, the rest of a civilized society will distance itself from the rebellious culture.  That appears to be what is happening today within the modern civil rights movement.  No one wants to hire the rebellious teenager.  No rational person has respect for someone who is always throwing a tantrum.  Such people are incapable of self-government, nor are they worthy of respect.  Persons in a peaceful protest deserve to be heard, whether you agree with their message or not.  Persons in a riot need to be prosecuted to protect the rest of the civil society.

The political and moral climate in America is in turmoil.  It is hard to not be a little anxious about the condition of our country.  Some Christians are fearful that our government is becoming far too tolerant of those who flaunt the just laws of a civil society.  But when is it appropriate to push the boundaries? And when is it not?

It is important to clearly define when rules can be or can’t be broken. America, from our earliest days, was a nation of rebels.  Therefore, there is a heritage of rebellion in each of us.  We live in turbulent times, when competition is fierce, reputations are easily tarnished, and the world is more divided than ever before. In this cutthroat environment, cultivating rebel talent is what allows businesses to evolve and to prosper.  But, that spirit of rebellion can easily become perverted.

Today, more than ever, the idea of being against authority has become mainstream. In fact, some would say that if you do not question authority, then you are part of a corrupt system seeking to oppress people. From schoolteachers, police officers, to parents, rebelling against the authority of any of these is considered by some to be a fundamental right of citizens in a free society. At some point one has to wonder if we have not pushed the envelope too far.

Romans 13 lays out guidelines for the Christian’s relationship with authority.  By giving these verses some careful thought, and allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal biblical truth, the believer can form a godly view concerning his or her responsibility to government.

Verses 1-2: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”

 The first thing that is apparent from these verses is that the Christian should not have a rebellious, antagonistic attitude toward our leaders.  Nothing happens that God does not authorize.  Therefore, those politicians who are in power are there because God has allowed it.  History has shown us that, generally, a people who are following God will have good leaders, whereas a people who reject God will have ungodly leaders.  Oftentimes it is through these ungodly leaders that God’s judgment is felt on those who have rejected Him.  Let’s face it, in a free society we have chosen our leaders.  Most of the culprits who are oppressing us were legally voted into office.

Verses 3-4: “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that  evil.”

 These verses tell us that the purpose of government is to be God’s representative in preventing bad conduct and punishing law-breakers. However, when a government becomes an agent of evil or wrongdoing itself, it is no longer fulfilling its God-given purpose and the Christian is no longer obligated to obey it.  Nevertheless, resisting an evil government will require deliberate prayer and consideration, as it may bring severe consequences because, as verse four tells us, the government “bears a sword” and, as history has revealed, is often too quick to utilize it.

Verses 5-7: “Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing…”

 This passage contains several biblical truths central to our study.  First, there are two guiding principles here to be followed in determining our responsibility to government.  One is that a good government should be God’s servant, dispensing His wrath and His judgments; if this is not the case, we cannot legitimately call that government “good”.  Secondly, the believer’s Holy Spirit-guided conscience must be involved in any response to government.  If it is a good government, we should obey it for God’s sake.  If it is a bad government, and they attempt to force us to violate Scripture, we are obligated to do God’s will.  We do not owe allegiance to an ungodly government.  When God’s will and government’s will conflict, our allegiance must be to God.  But, even then, our fight against an unjust authority must be fought under Christian principles.

When considering rebellion, it is not uncommon for us to get a boss or someone in authority over us that does not behave properly.  We may even be under an oppressive government.  That does not change the fact that we respect and submit to their authority as long as we are not required to violate Scripture.  Just because we don’t agree with their actions does not make rebellion the proper response.  In the end, when we do what is right by God’s Word, it is pleasing to God and He will set things right in due time.  When we accept that as a truth, we will often find that rebellion is seldom a proper response.

So, to all of our fellow citizens using violent protests, riots, and destruction to plead your cause, your foolish actions are not helping.  Sure, some liberal politician may sell you his support by exchanging it for your vote, but for most Americans, it just proves that you are incapable of rational thought and self-government.  You have moved down a few notches in our estimation.  It is hard to look at you as an equal.  You need to grow up and quit acting like a rebellious teenager who cannot be trusted with responsibility.  You do not earn our respect as a soldier.  You are a terrorist who has become an embarrassment to all noble Americans, regardless of their heritage or race.

 I have the highest respect and honor for all good men and women.  I look for goodness of soul, civil and moral responsibility, and a character that promotes self-government.  I admire hard work, patriotism, and helping those in need.  I appreciate those who try to make this world a little better by promoting peace and good will toward all.  I admire skilled craftsmen, good neighbors and those who attempt to live a Godly life.  Some say I am prejudice simply because God chose to create me with white skin.  How can that be when He equally chose a different color for others?  No, I choose to follow some wise advice that was given years ago.  I do not judge the “color of your skin, but the content of your character.”

 “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” Romans 12:5

 “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.” I Corinthians 12:13

Dr. Worthington has been in the ministry for over forty five years and serves as President of Pathway Ministries and Christian Bible College.

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