The Common Cure For Uncommon Times
“What on earth is going on?”
“How can this be happening?”
“Things were just fine a couple days ago!”

“Where did all the toilet paper go?”
It’s safe to say we’ve all had a little more “extra” time lately to log in to Facebook and other social media sites. Some of us are catching up with friends. Others are trying to find out the latest scoop on how we are handling these current “pandemic” times.
Suffice it to say – this is something most of us have never seen before.
As far as I know, I haven’t met anyone or know anyone who has COVID-19 (as of March 18, 2020)… so I can’t tell you how bad it is because I personally haven’t seen it.
But what I can tell you is this: the coronavirus has done a number on this world!
My wife and I were chatting the other day and I shared with her one thing that really stood out to me… The world’s economies, like humanity itself, are very frail.
What does it take to send the whole world into a panic, causing grocery stores to empty their shelves? Well, not to belittle it because I respect COVID-19 tremendously…
But this must be stated: a very contagious case of an extreme flu & pneumonia has done all this.
And there’s probably some of you who are shaking your head – wanting to jump through the computer and choke me. (Sorry Dr. Thus-and-so)
Please know I’ve made it a little too simple on purpose. There’s so much more to this coronavirus than what I’ve stated above. I know that.
For example, our unwelcome guest has already mutated into a separate strand… which makes producing a vaccine (if it works) only 50% efficient at best.
I also realize our opinions, which inform the actions we are currently taking, are hard to reason with.
Some say: “This isn’t too bad!” So they continue through life like nothing’s going on.
Others think: “This is terrible – shelter in place until it’s over or else!” And they bunker down at home, not making plans to leave until the storm has passed.
Which one is right? Of all the actions (or lack thereof) we can take during this time, what is the correct one?
I wish I could give you that answer with absolute, crystal-clear clarity, but I can’t.
But what I can do is share with you how a Christian is to behave in light of this current pandemic.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

(2 Timothy 1:7)

I see in this verse four very important capabilities:

1. Stay calm “…hath not given us the spirit of FEAR”

2. Think clear “…[He’s given] a SOUND mind.”

3. Minister to others “…and of LOVE.”

4. Use His POWER to stay in these elements

Hang with me as I briefly comment on each of the four ideals above.

Stay Calm

If there was a group of people who have the ability to stay calm during troublesome times, it should be Christians, right?
After all, we have the comforting presence of His Holy Spirit living within us! This Holy Voice should be able to lead us into peace and away from worry if I’m not mistaken.
But do we allow Him to do just that? Honestly, I think we are very capable of worrying His comforting effects away.
Our Lord touched on the subject of worry in a powerful way by asking a very simple question:
“Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?”
Matthew 6:27
Do we REALLY change anything by worrying? No.
So – – – – Don’t.
Stay calm instead!

Think Clear

Or as my granddad used to say “Use your head for something other than a hat-rack.”
God wants His children to have clarity, “clear thinking” if you will, when it comes to these times. I’ve heard Pastors and Christians alike talking about how COVID-19 countermeasures are an attack on Christianity. When North Carolina’s Governor made the ruling that gatherings of over 100 people are no longer allowed, the reaction was not one becoming of Christians.
I need to let you know something… What you think about NC’s Governor has no bearing on the fact that this is not an attack on Christians. This is not a mandate from the state forbidding Christians to worship. Rather, it’s an attack on a virus that can get out of hand faster than you can sneeze.
Think with me for a moment on how not following this mandate can cause so much more harm than good:
(1) The elderly are most susceptible to this coronavirus – and attendance at most churches trends more to elderly folks.
(2) What if someone at church has this sickness, gives it to a visiting family (or a family estranged from the church), and someone dies – how fast do you think a lawsuit could be forthcoming? (Especially if you were having Church against your State’s mandate.)
(3) What if a literal break-out happens in your city/town and the genesis of it was traced back to a Church meeting? How would you feel knowing multiple deaths were “likely” caused because of inconsiderate leadership? What would that do to the testimony of Christ in your area?
These are just three horrible scenarios I thought of within five minutes of giving it some “clear” thought.
Trust me on this… if for one second I thought what these governors are doing is an attack on Christian freedoms and our right to worship, this article would take on a much different tenor.
But it’s not. They haven’t attacked us.
They’re asking us to do uncomfortable things in an uncomfortable time so we can return to normalcy as soon as possible!
Every level headed person wants exactly this same thing.
In a way, all this is sort of like having surgery. A sweet sister in the Lord that I’ve known since I started pastoring in my early 20’s needed knee replacement surgery last week.
As I prayed for her and checked up on her through Facebook and other means, I thought about the whole idea of surgery.
Who in their right mind would let a stranger cut them open with a scalpel, take a saw out of their toolbox, and proceed to cut a portion of their leg OUT? As in gone! Nevermore to return!
The exact same person who knew this temporary, extreme pain would lead to many more pain-free days down the road – that’s who!
This is the same mindset we must keep during all this quarantine and carefulness. Things are uncomfortable right now. But we willingly do these countermeasures because we want a better day ahead. The more of these we accomplish, the faster that day will come.

Minister To Others

“But what can I do?”
“We’re not even supposed to be around anyone it seems!”
Thankfully, there’s still much you and I can do to be a blessing and show the love of Christ to others!
First and most importantly, we can pray.
Only Christians who DON’T have a healthy prayer life will think little of this all-important first offering!
You and I both know prayer changes things.
We recently had a National Day of Prayer for this nation’s needs concerning the spread of COVID-19. While the national news mostly ignored it (as expected), what concerned me most was how little the Christian community promoted this.
I’m not trying to throw stones or be an accuser, but I was a little shocked at the majority of Christians’ lack of support on this.
Obviously, I’d be remiss here if I didn’t say thank you to those who did pray in support of this day. God bless you!
But we can do so many other things.
Share. Talk (on the phone). Offer to help (carefully). Look around and try to find a way to be a blessing.
Buy a gift card online and have it sent to a family in need. Hopefully they can still go out and spend it to get some groceries and other things. Or, bag some of your own and place them on a front porch.
In these strange days, being a blessing to others might include some brain-storming. You know, some “wrangling” around the particular set of circumstances we’re in today. But it can be done.
And it should be done. This is OUR season to step up and show our communities what Jesus and the His glorious Gospel are all about.
Or, as our Lord put it…
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.”
Matthew 7:12

Use His Power

News Flash: Without Jesus’ help, dear Christian friend, you’re not gonna get anything done for the Kingdom. I’m certain you know this but just in case, look towards the end of John 15:5, where Jesus says “without me, ye can do nothing.” I believe that settles it!
We all know that the next news report, stressful phone call from a friend, or even our own internal worries and struggles are all conspiring together to pull us down.
We also know that the growing concerns on how to best protect our families take us down rabbit trails we are too ashamed to ever admit in public.
This fallen, sin-cursed world is constantly doing battle against our best desires to walk with Jesus, being filled with His Spirit.
I’ve got a secret on how to keep the world’s attempts from succeeding! Wanna hear it? Ask for His help. That’s exactly what He’s been waiting for… a plea from His child, asking “Can you help me with this Lord?”
You know His answer! It’s always the same… “Absolutely! I’d love to help you with this. I couldn’t wait for you to ask.”

What’s next?

Can I confess something to you? I don’t know what lies ahead. Could there be some tougher times in store for the American people? Possibly. But we’ll make it through this.
In the meantime, we have to be careful! If there’s one lesson we’ve learned from the other hot-beds of coronavirus activity across the world, if we don’t take this serious enough – it could get much worse. Ask Italy if you’re not sure.
I support level-headed, well thought out, necessary measures that will help keep my 84 year old grandmother here as long as possible! (Love you Grandma) I also support them for your mother, father, or grandparents too.
Could this all be an overreaction? It could. Again, I’ve not met anyone who’s had the coronavirus (yet) to tell me how good or bad it is.
But I hope we stay vigilant just the same. Could it be that we enact even stronger limits on how many people are allowed to gather in the same vicinity? Possibly. Who knows?
But I will tell you what I’d rather have… An overreaction that SAVES thousands of lives, than an “under-reaction” that destroys them instead.
When it’s put that way, it sure seems like missing a few church services is a small price to pay in the long run.


Pray for us as we are praying for you!


Rev. Jason Sherman has four children (and crazy times) with his lovely wife, Amber.  He serves as Pastor of Students at Pathway Christian Academy in Goldsboro and as Academic Dean at Christian Bible College.

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