
If I ever informed my dad that someone had called me a name, the first thing he would ask me was “Is it true?” In most cases, unless it was something really important, he would tell me to ignore it, if indeed it wasn’t true.  The discourse would go something like this: “Ronnie said I was dumb.”  Then dad would say, “Are you dumb or did you do something to make Ronnie think you are dumb?”  If I answered “no”, then dad would say, “Well then, that means he’s dumb, so just ignore the idiot.”  I am not sure if that constitutes proper parenting, but it seemed to work.  Actually, it worked so well I used the same strategy on my kids.

Yet, there were still some things you didn’t want to be called, even if you knew it was not true.  No one wanted to be called “queer” even if you knew, and they knew, it was not true.  No one wanted to be known as “the teacher’s pet,” even though it was not true.  In our society today, no one wants to be known as a “racist,” even though most people that are called racist are not, while most people calling people racist usually are.

Nearly sixty years ago, President Lyndon Johnson said he was going to end poverty in America.  Fact is, as noble as it sounds, it cannot be done, for so says the word of God.

“For ye have the poor always with you;” Matthew 26:11

Our Lord is stating the obvious:  even if you give some people a million dollars, they would be broke again in a few months.  Several lottery winners have certainly proven this to be true.

Recently I heard a politician state that his goal was to end racism in America.  Assuming the best, in that most rational people really would like to end racism, I want to be honest and tell you that it cannot be done.  I am sure that many people calling for an end of racism really want to make this world a better place. But truth is they are powerless in spite of their best intentions. It would be the same as saying you are going to “stop lust” or “stop envy.”  Man, on his own accord is powerless to accomplish this feat.  Of course, it is also quite obvious that most politicians really don’t want to end racism anyway.  It gives them greater power if we are divided.

Ending racism is a noble idea, but I am not sure anyone really believes it can be done.  Many well-meaning people have been trying to stop it for all recorded history—yet, to no avail.  Politicians can change laws, but they cannot stop sin, and racism is sin, and a world enslaved to sin cannot overcome sin on its own.  Even if we could build the most powerful totalitarian regime, with the authority to severely punish those who might not yield to ending racism, it still could not force anyone to love what he ought to love and hate what he ought to hate. The change the world groans after, even on its best days, belongs to the very God the world despises and rejects. He alone has the power to change hearts, thus He alone has the power to end racism.

But why? Why can’t we expect non-Christian movements, even the best of them, to end racism of the heart?  It is because of the sinfulness of humanity. With regards to skin color, the Bible says that no sooner can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard his spots, than those who are accustomed to doing evil do good (Jeremiah 13:23). Or, as Paul says, mankind is enslaved to sin, children of wrath, gladly following the devil (Ephesians 2:1–3). Racism is just one evil manifestation of this rebellion against God.

We think we can pick and choose our master, and any master we choose will empower us to end racism.  It will not!  Ending racism is not possible for the world. The humanitarian religion can take aim for a time at systemic racism, but it will tire and move on to the next new fad when convenient. No politician, no law, no march nor protest, no best resolves nor legal measures, no affirmative action and no amount of listening or diversity training can end racism. As great as some of these measures can be, racism is sin, and a world enslaved to sin cannot overcome sin without God.  This makes Jesus’s way to “end racism” most revolutionary:

“Ye must be born again.” 

John 3:7

He begins from the inside out. You must have new loves, a new nature, and a new heart. This new heart, enthroned by God himself, inspires a form of love that is more powerful than our differences.

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.” 

John 4:7

This new heart is incompatible with any practice of racial prejudice.

“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.” 

I John 3:8–9

 This new heart prepares us for heaven, where we will experience eternal peace with one another: men and women of all tongues, nations, and colors.  This new heart, unlike an old heart commanded by government or social pressure to merely act new, is really, genuinely new.  When you stop and think about it, isn’t it strange that most racism today is propagated by liberals, the very ones who are speaking of peace and unity.

Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.”

Proverbs 28:5

The Bible teaches us that the new birth by the Spirit of God empowers us to live new lives of love, a love strong enough to overcome old bigotries.

The foundations of racism, and all the other perversions of our culture, can be stopped, but not under a brotherhood that flies under the banner of social justice or civil rights, but under the banner of Christ, for He is always the answer.

The cross still towers over the wrecks of time, shining like a lighthouse to navigate through dark and jagged shores. When the cross shrinks, the world dims. When the church loses influence in a culture, the culture decays. When we distance ourselves from Calvary, when we move on and try to do God’s work without giving preeminence to God’s work and God’s Spirit, we will never shine with the light the world so desperately needs to see. In other words, having something higher to unify us than unity itself, we will show the righteous fruit of God being among us.

Our culture today reminds me of the woman who had the issue of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone.  The world is full of physicians that cannot heal. Racism needs to end, but your favorite political candidate cannot end racism. New legislation, with all the good it might achieve, cannot end racism.  The reason is, none of these can change hearts.

Historically, too many churches have not been the standard-bearers in this area, but rather have embraced their share of compromises with racist societies instead of shining within them. Yet, the church today is still the only institution on the planet that goes forth in the authority of Christ and effects genuine change as we…

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”

Matthew 28:19–20

Ironically, the racism-free world all good men yearn for is quickly approaching. Racism will end soon, sooner than most people of all races will actually want.  You see, racism will end as all men stand on equal ground shoulder to shoulder when our King finally comes to reign. And not only will racism, and every other sin, be thrown into the lake of fire, but His people will be unified in ways we can only now imagine.  One people, one family, one nation…under Christ.

Dr. Worthington has been in the ministry for over forty five years and serves as President of Pathway Ministries and Christian Bible College.

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